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Paul Moore Shoretrooper /Squadleader 3D print PETG WIP


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Hello started a complete 3D print build... will hopefully be to vanguard/ level2 spec

Hope to print a full set for armour and bucket.. will be a warts and all build..

Not just pretty pics. Noob with 3D printing so should be fun.

Having bed plate issues but in hand.

Much face-planting to be expected.


General info;

Printing in black PETG

100% infill

Fine print

0.4 Nozzle at moment may go 0.6


Nozzle 230 centigrade, Bed 70 centigrade. Print speed 55.. will adjust for different reels..

Using Cura at moment.

Printers a CR 10 5S ... with some mods


Files I’m using













Will be comparing with my cleared grunt at points. Will mark clearly up.






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First print finished 31 hours rounding up.


Straight off the bed not touched.


Compared to my Set from Darren..
The print will need the hole on the Fist added.
Printed in original 100% sizing.


Other than cleaning up and finishing... happy with print...

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Forearms one started.
Please note I can not print in the centre as the plate need a little more shoe pie to level it... it bows up toward the nozzle so I get blocked nozzles, and prints dragged off the bed ... caused my last breakdown...


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I’m amazed you have the energy to start another build after all the work you put in the first one, that’s some serious shoretrooper dedication! Really interested in your experiences with the 3D printing. I’m still hesitating to make that jump.

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The 3D printer tech has its limits... Learning from scratch. I can see that it will be more common in future within the armour builds. More and more people are going down this route with the new styles. Thought as I wanted do all three ranks a 3D printer would be perfect for me as I still like to do a little DIY. And possible tankie, ph1/2 clone trooper... and Rangetrooper (the winter cousin). The wish list grows. Lol... 4 costumes by 40 lol... middle live crisis for a geek ! 3years 2 costumes down

Looking at getting a SLA printer for small detail parts...but we will see.





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Why are you doing 100% infill? With that much infill the PETG will not be very flexible so you might as well print with PLA at that point.

 I have a south facing house left PLA benchy and PETG benchy in sun for a weekend. PLA warped a little not massively, but it did. (UK). On bigger items and parts probably would be really noticeable .. PETG had no warping and done a drop a hammer on them test no real testing as such both benchy’s had 20% infill. PETG held up better. Spoke to cosplayers/ guys with more experience and advised petg as I was having problems with abs printing... due to a my bed not making 100 centigrade. Has been upgraded now but.. will still go PETG for the moment as the material is printing very well..

Went with PETG for the higher temperature and higher blunt impact resistance really.

As my Grunt has had flying kid punches (Is that armour real? Bang! Mum my hand hurts)and TK Trooper impacts (other clubs TK pushing past.. trooping bad manners).

Want the armour to be hard wearing... not break ...





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This is a first for me. So it’s me problem solving as I get problems/ winging it. This is a bit of a blog WIP ... testing Al’s files and the PETG material and the CR 10... at the same time. A lot of people have done PLA prints review and kit builds ... so it’s just to share my experience with PETG so people can see my mess ups / mistakes and hopefully my success and learn from both. Is PETG good for this kit ? Who knows.? But some cosplayers and prop builders love the stuff..

I don’t know really how ab the sections will finish or how they will fare with use, cracking and wear. It’s all pie in the sky.

But I can always print in a different material... for a section or parts ... carbon fibre filaments? Or fall back to PLA..?



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Forearm 1 Righthand ..
100% 97hours and 3minutes
Raw print on bed and some pics with brim and supporting material removed.
Please note , 1x strip detail to print..


Taped and compare with cleared one. Quickly ..no padding so .. Rolls around the forearm ...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Had a extruder motor fail replaced.
Upgraded to a 0.6 nozzle... still printing fine detail settings... Shoretrooper biceps strips benchy.. 5hr print rounded up ... a little light standing required .... but happy ... on with the biceps then...

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  • 4 months later...

Sorted my printing issues ...
PETG retuned nozzle 230c initial 240c
Bed with blue tape 65c.. 100% infill.. Changed brand better quality filament.
Raw prints rafts pull off.
All soft belt details print TD tube. A sanding too do.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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