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sibbel29’s Strider/CFO armor built topic

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hey everyone,


I am finally starting building my Strider/CFO armor kit which I have in since february. My RS kit built took me a bit longer but I am on it now ;-)..


I am trimming all the parts before building and have started with the shoulderbells. The kit gives a very good trimline so I started trimming with scissors which works out great! the edge is still a bit rough but I have to sand and smoothen it anyway. I also rounded the corners straight away.. a good start a I may say.. follow this topic for updates..


PS: many followers of my other topics and on social media know I am not the fastest builder, but I am taking everything step by step and aim for near perfection and screen accuracy as much as possible.. not building means doing research . this works for me;-)!








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  • 2 weeks later...


today I trimmed the underarm armor. I used a dremel and 150 sandpaper. still need some refinements here and need to shorten the endpieces as I don’t have arms like “the Rock” . I tried to stay a tiny bit below the cast edge to create a returnedge.


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I will be following this since I have several questions and this is the armor I have. Thank you

you can ask me any questions here or through PM or on facebook!

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Oh no, your armor is purplleeeeee!!!!

Just kididng. Good luck with the build. Keep us posted.

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Oh no, your armor is purplleeeeee!!!!
Just kididng. Good luck with the build. Keep us posted.

yeah have you seen the light? its my new LED light in my garage... I can see it very well but the light looks crap

thanks bro, keep you all posted here

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7 hours ago, Chopper said:

Oh no, your armor is purplleeeeee!!!!

Just kididng. Good luck with the build. Keep us posted.

Yeah, that's our special - upon request - "purple rain" edition emoji23.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

update: I trimmed the biceps armor and personally it looks great! first I trim all the pieces before I start building them together and make the slots for the straps etc. for me this works perfect!

next up: knee armor


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  • 2 weeks later...

update: trimmed the other knee and Thermal Detonator parts! I also received my tube, clips and electric cord to make a fine screenaccurate TD..

I used tape as a guide to trim the caps nice and even, worked great!


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holster trimmed! only have to make the slot in the holder and research on opening the small slots on the frontside, what do you guys think? open slots or not? dd4bfce8ce697379f4c71ba4030d8413.jpge186779760e0f5f9a258b26deaf94b68.jpgf0d1d39cebba0e59ee66c25226a670ec.jpg

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cut out the slots

heres the topic on it ... with some pics

looks like your doing good with trimming but, if you need any help with the cfo stuff ... dont hesitate to send me a message.

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cut out the slots

heres the topic on it ... with some pics

looks like your doing good with trimming but, if you need any help with the cfo stuff ... dont hesitate to send me a message.

thanks bro, I appreciate the help! whenever I’m stuck I’ll let you know!

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  • 2 weeks later...


finished the beltboxes and the holster!

up next chest- and back armor and the tank! after that I need to dremel the slots in all the parts for the straps...



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  • 2 weeks later...

Update back and chestarmor finished as well! just need to line up the bridges and trim them at the correct length. first of all: making straps for all the parts and cut the slots...


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