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I've seen folks attach their cod to the inside of their vest, either way works there.


I attached both my codpiece and bund on the outside.


Inside of my bund




Vest and cod





Hey friendly neighborhood Scouts! Tis I again. After getting the positive feedback from the one side on my belt I decided to adjust the other side and solidify it. Then I took the excess material from the belt and made the side connections. I brought elastic around the back inside of the suite to give me a little flexibility when attaching the to pieces together. This has been such an amazing learning experience for me and I love that I am able to express myself artistically through the process. The reason why I feel like I want to go Lancer is because I love all the little detail. I actually went to school for art and even though my house is a complete mess, whenever I am creating artwork I feel like it has to be perfect. This is artwork I can wear!

Sorry, got off on a tangent. Let me know what you guys think of what I've done in these pics. I know that the belt is a little off. When I get my new cummerbund and codpiece created I will put some velcro on the back of the belt to stick it onto whichever piece it connects too to lessen the sag in the back and the front going off to one side.

Thanks again for everything in this entire process, I live in a rural community and it takes me an hour to get to any civilization so all your feedback has been EXTREMELY welcome in the entire process.

  On 3/24/2018 at 6:16 PM, Chopper said:
I've seen folks attach their cod to the inside of their vest, either way works there. I attached both my codpiece and bund on the outside. Inside of my bund ury53da.jpg Vest and cod lDKlJGZ.jpg

Can you explain what all the velcro attachments are on your vest? You have quite a few Velcro attachments on there.


The middle pieces are to attach the bund. The top two pieces are to keep the chest plate from riding up. The top pieces probably aren't necessary unless you find yourself having that issue after a few troops.


?is there any feedback on the belt and side straps?


Hi Jake, in your font on photo it looks like your belt is drooping forward. It's less apparent on the side photos, likely b/c it shifted when you moved. The belt should sit near your belly button and be horizontal. The distance from your belt to the drop boxes looks fine. However, the boxes themselves should also sit horizontal. On both your left and right sides, the boxes tilt upwards.


You're really close, just a few tweaks!

  On 3/25/2018 at 1:26 PM, Chopper said:

Hi Jake, in your font on photo it looks like your belt is drooping forward. It's less apparent on the side photos, likely b/c it shifted when you moved. The belt should sit near your belly button and be horizontal. The distance from your belt to the drop boxes looks fine. However, the boxes themselves should also sit horizontal. On both your left and right sides, the boxes tilt upwards.


You're really close, just a few tweaks!


Those can be corrected by just shifting the objects to sit better it seems. I plan on attaching Velcro to the front of the belt to get it to stay where it needs too. I also think I want to attach some on the back as well to get the back to stay where it needs too. I should've had someone attach the belt in the back. It seems like when I attach it I have more problems with the drooping.


Along with pictures here I have also been posting pictures on Facebook to my local garrison. What kind of pictures will I be taking for final approval?


your getting closer :duim:


since your going for lancer let me add:


~ adjust your flak vest arms -- they are to long. 1 or 2" past the shoulder bell is all you need for the flak vest arm length

~ elbow armor needs to come up too


and to add a different way to attach cod/bund/vest ... i have a different settup than others use around here.

it has do with my flak vest being shorter than theirs.


i attach my cod to the flight suit front and on the back for the elastic strap


i added velcro to the front and back of the flak vest to attach the cummerbund -- kinda making it 1 piece


my belt is secured on the cod with velcro on the front only

i had to add an extra section to the top of the cod due to me having to rebuild it to get it to look more like what was on screen




flight vest





flak vest





  On 3/25/2018 at 8:35 PM, Jakeputt said:

Along with pictures here I have also been posting pictures on Facebook to my local garrison. What kind of pictures will I be taking for final approval?



depends on your gml really .. but, you should give him/her all the pics needed. front, sides, back and duplicate those views with your arms up. and details of the tank top. they wont need more than that. for lancer the review board here at the detachment will want alot more pics, pics with measurements of all your straps, detail pics of helmet, blaster, boots and more :)


I liked the feedback of the drop boxes and belt need to be straight from left to right. What other angle issues and straight edge details do I need to know about taking the pics?


since your going for lancer let me add:


~ adjust your flak vest arms -- they are to long. 1 or 2" past the shoulder bell is all you need for the flak vest arm length

~ elbow armor needs to come up too



IS there a place where I can see all of the images I will want to compile to submit into the Lancer team?


Also, what should I use to fill up my blaster barrel?


I drilled it out without paying closer attention too the CRL :(

  On 3/10/2018 at 11:14 PM, Jakeputt said:


My Blaster, from different angles. 26864192438_6baa390186_b.jpg26864192508_57e399905f_b.jpg26864192578_d2846313e6_b.jpg26864192668_46c5aa8705_b.jpg


This is my blaster now


Ah, ok, that's a Hyperfirm. The hole doesn't look very deep, but if you want to fill it, you could try using milliput or apoxiesculpt.

  On 3/25/2018 at 11:18 PM, Jakeputt said:

IS there a place where I can see all of the images I will want to compile to submit into the Lancer team?


there is nothing posted telling exactly whats is required for pics. since your not a member yet, i dont think you can see this post??? http://forum.bikersc...showtopic=17681 ??


it just says "Make sure to include clear build images"


most applicants post:

~ front, back and sides -- then all those again with arms up

~ pics of elbow armor greeblies

~ top of tank

~ boots - front, back side with tape measurement on the velcro

~ blaster - all angles

~ tape measurements of all the strapping/belt

~ pics of cummerbund/cod separate

~ pics of suit

~ helmet pics, front, back, sides -- pics of something in ears showing they are open


~ you also need to list your parts -- ie:

~ blaster = dvh

~ boots = self made

~ suit = stephs

~ armor = chef

~ ect.ect.ect.



edit .. found this bit of info too... here ---> http://forum.bikersc...showtopic=15994


"All applicants are required to submit photos of each aspect of their armor displaying each of the required components so that they may be judged by the review committee made up of the DL, XO and Lancer Review Team."


Thanks for the info

  • Like 1


are these the kinds of pictures they need?



Working on my Thermal Detonators I was pleasantly surprised to find some corrugated pipe at the local hardware store that fit perfect inside the pipe supplied to me from Studio Creations. I wanted the pipe to adhere to a greater surface area, more than just the ends. I think these will work perfectly. I first glued the smaller pipe onto the end caps with E6000, and let that sit for a couple hours then I covered the sides of the smaller pipe with the same stuff completely and slid them right into the SC housings fits perfect. Now to let the glue cure.

  • Like 1

good job.


with the TD end caps make sure they are concave as that is a lancer requirement. it is hard to tell from your picture if they are.

  On 3/31/2018 at 1:57 PM, 762s said:

good job.


with the TD end caps make sure they are concave as that is a lancer requirement. it is hard to tell from your picture if they are.

Yeah they're concave.



So I chose to paint up my armor. I don't like being clean, I want to be one of the select few who looks like I've been through battle. What do you guys think?

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