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Bootlegger137's Pre-Submission Pics


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Well, finally finished this bad boy up today, and looking for constructive criticism before submitting final pics to my GML. This was basically a test fitting to try and work the kinks out, so don't try to spare my feelings. :shok:


Armor: SC

Bucket: Altmann, with ukswrath TB audio system

Flightsuit: Chunk

Vest: Chrisx909x

Cummerbund, Cod & Pouches: Chrisx909x

Boots: Chrisx909x

Gloves: WampaWear

Blaster: Darth Voorhees









EDIT: Looks like the belt could stand to be a little higher.


Also, no weathering as yet. Will probably give that a go in the spring when it's warmer, or if I get a nice day somewhere before that.

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Nothing really much wrong with that buddy...


Nice and tidy job.


The bund closure should be right over left rather than left over right (turn it inside out, that'll solve that one!)

If possible I would pull the cod up a little, getting it from under your crotch will remove the dreaded toe.

Watch the top of your bund coming out from under the back plate (put some velcro on here to keep it in place)

And be careful of the biceps rotating backwards. Put some velcro under the plates to hold them tight.


Beyond that...


Get it in.


Good luck.

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The colour difference in the holster and boots is driving me nuts. Probably because there's nothing else to complain about!

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Nice looking Scout! Easy pass for basic. Nice sizing on the pouches and great placement of the belt -- right on your waist where it belongs!


Just what Chef said. If you can, loosen up that cod strap so it's not pulling so hard between your legs.

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I’m a GML and I approve of this picture....and wish more folks posted pre-submission pics before they submitted officially. Good work!

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Here are the final pics I just submitted to my GML. Huge thanks to all for their help, either through their posts or PMs, and whether they know they helped or not.











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