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A few months back a local was getting rid of his scout armor. Alex (shdwtrpr13) took a look at it and said it would be a great starting point for a build. It was missing the nose greeblie, tank topper, the boots were too big for me, some decals were missing, and bund had wrong stitching. Alex said it looked like an older SC set so I contacted them to get an updated set of decals, nose greeblie, and tank topper. Got the boots and bund from Marcel here on the boards. I've been collecting all that while working on other projects and am now ready to get started in on the completion of my scout.


I have a few questions though before I begin.


The nose greeblie I received from SC is all black. I've only seen a few photos of scouts with all black, most are gray with only the cylinder at the bottom being black. Is all black approvable?



It looks like I'll need to remove the existing pop rivet from the tank, and put it through the new tank topper .




Also from the other build threads it looks like I'll need to source up the clips for the TD as it's only clips now are on the piece of abs that was hot glued to the back of it.




I've already started the conversion of a Redkap jumpsuit, just need to do the mudflap and the thigh patches. I am using the tutorial here to do my flack vest.

You are right on the about greeble. It isnt all black for the standard scout.

Is this a case of me getting sent the wrong piece, or is this standard and others just paint theirs?



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Is this a case of me getting sent the wrong piece, or is this standard and others just paint theirs?



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Mask off the aerator/mesh part, then spray paint the rest gray. I've found that Testors Model Master Navy Agressor Gray is about the right color to use.

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  • 4 months later...

Now that I have my soft parts all set there's just a few final touches I need to do before I can think about getting my photos done.

  • Attach the holster to the boot.
  • Adjust the belt so that the buckle sits in the center of my back (so TD can clip over it)
  • e6000 the greeblies to the biceps (currently hot glued which is coming off)
  • Get new clips for TD and affix them
  • Get the greeblies for the TD and e6000 them
  • Tighten up the strapping on the knees and shoulder bells
  • Apply new decals from SC

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You gonna be ready in time for Awesomecon? The more scouts, the merrier. :bikerscout:

It all depends on how long it takes the greeblies and td clips to get here. I am only going to be at the Friday of Awesomecon, I have family commitments the rest of the weekend.



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