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Strider v2 Bikerscout Helmet

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I've already introduced my latest helmet upgrade in my armor thread a few weeks ago but have since then improved some parts of the assembly (which can make a huge difference for every bikerscout helmet no matter which maker) together with some better pics so I thought I share it again.


Recently somebody called me a "scout connoisseur" which I found a bit funny and true at the same time. To me getting closer to the original armor is not just a nerdish endevour but also an creative challenge which I like in similiar way as other people solve puzzles or brainteaser tasks. With the current helmet I feel I'm about 96% percent close to the goal of the ultimate screen accurate helmet. It's funny; I've probably assembled more than 15 helmets so far but it still poses a challenge to get every detail exactly right. The tricky part is that the different pieces do not link together like pieces of a puzzle but are roughly attatched in a specific area. But: If you attatch it even slightly different then the last time it will influence the fit of all other parts. On the upside even if you've made a mistake by not optimally placing one part you may compensate for this by adjusting the adjacent parts.


Long story short - here's the helmet, enjoy ;-)













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I'm a proud owner of one of your helmets, but this V2 is seriously gorgeous.

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wow! i can see a differnce with you new helmet compared to the others!


very nice job strider!!!


now move onto the armor so i can get to trooping ;)

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