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Vanguard Deployment Request

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To apply for the Vanguard squad within the 501st Pathfinder Detachment, please follow the steps outlined below:

  • First, you must be approved for the costume you are applying for.  If you aren't, get approved through your local Garrison.
  • Post a thread in this section with your specific build details (i.e., title = YourName Vanguard Request). Make sure to list the maker of the armor, all parts and pieces in the build, and any other relevant information for your application.
  • Make sure to include clear build images. It's usually best to post pics on an image hosting service like Imgur, Photobucket, or Flickr and link them in the thread.
  • Only the applicant and Vanguard Review Team should comment on your thread. ALL other comments will be removed.
  • The Vanguard Review team will be in touch with feedback from the team.
  • Once approved, the status of your application will be "APPROVED". An announcement to the forum will be made and your action pic will be posted to the Lancer wall.
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