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Even without the info I received there is a reasonable case that can be put forward from the amount of reference available (regardless of lighting and environmental influences) that show it as orange. That includes the visual dictionary and Glynn Dillons concept sketches for the ST. Some comparison images I have posted above showing my orange mixed in amongst screen ref from different locations.

So for me I have the intel I received, reference imagery, personal experimentation with different colours across different helmet paint applications under different light sources (red does not match the screen ref satisfactorily) Plus the connection to the orange colour being designated to Kyber Crystal containment also found on the shoulder straps of the Kyber Crystal Patrol Pack. So it has an in universe relevance as well seeing as the Shoretrooper was a specialist guard at the KC facility.

It would be great if Dillons confirmation could add to that as well. In the meantime I would want others to take this seriously as an observation based on what is available already to them and not assume its red based on someones opinion. As far as I am aware there has been no hard evidence put forward confirming it was red in the first place.

It would be interesting to hear from others on what they think regarding the helmet emblem. Maybe revisit some reference and take a look.


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Anyways moving on.

Side project this week was giving my Rogue One Praetorian Blaster a paint application at long last.

Still some tweaking and some battering to do around it but pretty much what i needed to tie it in with the costume.


Also really pleased to have been sorted out with the correct snap hooks for the R1 E11 sling. Totally the found part and not the cheaper Ebay variant with the slight differences. So can put those to bed.

Whether I will use them is another matter as not sure how the sling was attached to the front of the blaster as yet. Might be through the bayonet lug but not sure.



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7 minutes ago, mr paul said:

As far as I am aware there has been no hard evidence put forward confirming it was red in the first place


Hey Paul. 

I totally appreciate all the work and research you've done on the ST.  We all love the Shoretrooper, but I don't know if I can say anyone loves it more than you.  

As far as the red... I mean, we all thought it was red, including you.  So it's pretty reasonable that we put red in the CRL.  It looks red.  People thought it was red. I've looked over my LA Auto Show photos today and... it still looks red.  So if it was actually a shade of orange that in most lighting and weathering situations looks red, then red will do. 

Our CRL for Level 1 is not meant to be the definitive document of the Shoretrooper as it was made by Glyn Dillon's team.  Just the most reasonable facsimile we can make of it to promote our mission of putting smiles on children's faces.  We're actually only allowed by the Legion to put super-specific details in our Level 2 CRL, so that we don't bar people from trooping by unreasonable standards.  These are the constraints we are working under.  I'm sure you've seen the various shades of blue that end up getting approved.  So whether it is reddish-orange or orangish-red, matters very little in the end.  Does it reasonably look like the ST as seen on screen?  Yeah.  

But if you can get us the actual paint and color used, I am more than happy to add that to the Level 2 details and I will go out and buy it myself to repaint my helmet emblem. 

Again, I thank you for all your work on this.  And I hope you change your mind and join the Legion some day. 

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I am not doubting your dedication and work ethic it’s some of the best I have seen, but let’s be honest non off us came close to Sahara Beige and we where decades away from even matching the ford Nordic blue with dirty down grey.

No matter what the lighting was or camera used to try and identify the correct colour we would never have got there.


If it was not for Glynn sharing that information we would never have had the correct colours and to be able to name them.


As for the CRL we have to start somewhere but members are also to ensure the weathering etc matches screen pictures as best as possible, like we do for every unknown colour.


Fingers crossed we are given direct confirmation as it just ticks off another question mark. Even when confirmed the colour will only be asked to be the exact same for level 2 as per all the other colours.





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9 minutes ago, BikerScout007 said:

Hey Paul. 

I totally appreciate all the work and research you've done on the ST.  We all love the Shoretrooper, but I don't know if I can say anyone loves it more than you.  

As far as the red... I mean, we all thought it was red, including you.  So it's pretty reasonable that we put red in the CRL.  It looks red.  People thought it was red. I've looked over my LA Auto Show photos today and... it still looks red.  So if it was actually a shade of orange that in most lighting and weathering situations looks red, then red will do. 

Our CRL for Level 1 is not meant to be the definitive document of the Shoretrooper as it was made by Glyn Dillon's team.  Just the most reasonable facsimile we can make of it to promote our mission of putting smiles on children's faces.  We're actually only allowed by the Legion to put super-specific details in our Level 2 CRL, so that we don't bar people from trooping by unreasonable standards.  These are the constraints we are working under.  I'm sure you've seen the various shades of blue that end up getting approved.  So whether it is reddish-orange or orangish-red, matters very little in the end.  Does it reasonably look like the ST as seen on screen?  Yeah.  

But if you can get us the actual paint and color used, I am more than happy to add that to the Level 2 details and I will go out and buy it myself to repaint my helmet emblem. 

Again, I thank you for all your work on this.  And I hope you change your mind and join the Legion some day. 

Hi bud. TBH I assumed it was red and rarely looked at it in any depth. I saw a red bicep and figured the emblem was the same. Lighting can explain any anomalies I may be seeing so red it is. Also the emblem on the ATACT was very red in the one reference image available so once again reinforced my assumption. Looking back over reference though with orange in mind and I am seeing different results. 

Fab! I think i use a lot of your LA Auto show images for our build if those public ones are yours? I was looking at those this morning. Were the armours displayed in roofed booths? There are a number of ref images where it does indeed look red and I think because of the shade cast by the booths they were displayed in. 

Yeah I get the CRL's have to have some give in them and I agree with that. You are a charity costuming group and it has to be accessible by all.

Something like the colour of the forehead emblem I feel is significant enough of a detail to include in level 2 so thanks for acknowledging that.  I think it at least needs to be looked at again to some extent if that is what higher levels are about. Not sure what your level 2 requirements are for colours. Maybe they are open ended too. Apologies have not looked recently.

I do feel though that orange is orange and red is red and the 2 should be at least distinguishable enough from each other to show there is a difference between the 2 colours being used on the armour. It seems the ST is a very colourful trooper and the orange emblem really gives a different feel to the overall look of it.

I am using spicy orange. I hear blood orange from Montana is a close match although a tiny bit darker than the spicy. Spicy orange has to be custom mixed.


5 minutes ago, mr paul said:

Fab! I think i use a lot of your LA Auto show images for our build if those public ones are yours? I was looking at those this morning. Were the armours displayed in roofed booths? There are a number of ref images where it does indeed look red and I think because of the shade cast by the booths they were displayed in. 

I think a few folks managed to get some photos from there, but mine seem to be the ones I see passed around the most.  Here they all are:


And yes they were in covered boxes, but the helmet is still getting a good amount of light on it as you can see here:

So yeah, could be red, could be orange, or could be the way either of those two colors looks when blending with the Sahara Beige underneath.   I think if you asked most people they would say it was red, so we just go with what is reasonable.  

As I said above, happy to be more definitive given the right amount of evidence, but in lieu of that, I could not get anymore specific than wording such as "matches the hue of the emblems as seen on screen" or something to that effect.  

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4 minutes ago, BikerScout007 said:

I think a few folks managed to get some photos from there, but mine seem to be the ones I see passed around the most.  Here they all are:


And yes they were in covered boxes, but the helmet is still getting a good amount of light on it as you can see here:

So yeah, could be red, could be orange, or could be the way either of those two colors looks when blending with the Sahara Beige underneath.   I think if you asked most people they would say it was red, so we just go with what is reasonable.  

As I said above, happy to be more definitive given the right amount of evidence, but in lieu of that, I could not get anymore specific than wording such as "matches the hue of the emblems as seen on screen" or something to that effect.  

I'll leave that all up to you how you word it if you decide to change it.  The Shoretrooper has an orange spot on his head and it looks so cool man. Gorgeous.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I got one of our members (Steve) to ask Glyn last night at Cardiff ref the colour and the message I got back was he could not remember so ask Dave Crossman.

So I did that via Twitter but then Glyn answered that tweet


He also said he did not remember the question from Steve but hay ho at least we have a orangey red from Glyn.

I would say level 2 will be upgraded to orangey red to match screen photos.

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  • Thanks 1
  • Haha 2

Repainted the forehead today as I needed to repaint the emblem (forehead not weathered in the picture) Not only did the colour need revision which was corrected a couple of weeks back and covered in my earlier posts but the shape and size of it too. Nothing is simple on this Shoretrooper. My talented friend Ian Reach with his eye for detail drew my attention to something that needed looking at closer and Christian Walker from my costuming group custom made some stencils made to my spec.

Great to get the dimensions/shape and positioning locked down at last.


1 hour ago, Tarok said:

Looks fantastic, Paul. Just the right amount of weathering!

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Thank you mate. Glad you noticed that as it's been a balancing act between too much and too little whilst bearing in mind how it needs to appear under dim and well lit environments. The images also give a glimpse at those stepped stripes on the rear of the shin straps.

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A huge thank you to Joe Powell who came over today in the blistering heat to model the armour for a photo shoot.

Gutted the shins would not fit him so I had to get in it. He did a great job on the camera.

Here is a sneak peek.


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Wow! That’s cracking, Paul! You mentioned the stepped weathering in the rear shin above, funnily that was the first thing I noticed about the thins in this pic

Once again, love the cohesive look of your finish and weathering. Too often I’ve seen STs look like they’ve climbed out a grease pit, and not a sandy beach.

Does this mean the files are done?

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Hi mate and thanks. Yeah I suppose the armour is about as finished as it will ever be. For now anyway lol. I think we are happy with it. It looks great in the photo shoot yesterday and certainly ticks all the boxes visually. Also it's comfortable and dresses well which is good as we spent a lot of time getting the internals accurate as well.

If you look on the back of the shin straps (on the inside of them) you will see a stepped layer. Not sure if that comes across in my pictures.

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Some peeks and candid shots of the armour taken from last weekend.


My good friend Ian Reach popped over to be a model for me and to road test the armour.



Thanks to Joe Powell I also got to try on my kit for a photo shoot. More images will be released soon.


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What was presumed a snap fastener by some back in 2016 is in fact a support for the top edge of the shoulder bell to sit on. With the aid of the elastic it keeps them high and close the shoulder bridge preventing the bells from sagging and slipping down the arm. 

In the images below you can just see a glimpse of the support from under the edge of the shoulder strap.

The same thing applies to the At-Act driver, Tanker, Stormtrooper and Deathtrooper. Creating a uniformed and tidy silhouette across all the armours.




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Here are some comparison images.

These photos were not posed intentionally however they do kind of match up and I think show a similarity in the silhouette and shapes of the armour.

Hopefully a convincing likeness. I think so.

Screen used armour pic taken at the Rogue One premiere. Armour on the right uses the open bicep variant model. Also first time reveal of full armour being worn. More to come.



Screen used armour picture taken from the Rogue One demo reel. Image has been flipped horizontally. Armour on the right uses the open bicep variant model.


Screen used armour image captured from the Walmart shoretrooper commercial. Shoretrooper armour on the right is modelled by Ian ReachBiceps are the closed position variant.


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A favourite shot of mine from the recent photo shoot.

One reason being the paint job holding up tremendously and looks very convincing but more than that the 3D modelling looks great.

We know it is not 100% and although the artist has said to me in the past it will always be a fan made attempt, I think it is just stunning. The lines and fitting of the armour over the body, the scale and detail look authentic. And that was ultimately the goal of this project. The combination of the 3D printed parts and bench made parts makes it functional as a costume and in some cases more accurate as the materials used are along the same lines as what was utilised for the screen used Shoretrooper.

Of course the correct or higher end soft parts and replica helmet alongside the armour obviously help to sell the overall look and authenticity of the costume.

Hope you like. More pictures coming soon.


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Real nice shot of the back of the armour. 

You can see the gaps in the biceps. I am sporting the expanded variant prints that simulate the stretched biceps.

Using PLA we can't simulate the flexibility of the screen used armour but we have tried to mimic the appearance. This also assists with fitting/comfort if you have larger biceps.

The correctly closed bicep variant is also available as an option.

I kind of like this shabby look.



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