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Chest piece Trimming question

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Ok guys, so working with a Studio Creations kit, I am also quite a scrawny guy, so I need to mould the chest piece in at the sides. I’ll upload a pic with this, my question is this: can I trim right back the highlighted lower part to make it a little easier to mould it without buckling it? I really would love to be approved while still being able to do this lol. I need to bring it in about 2cm each side, so it is quite a lot of strain unless I take that edge off. db73e09e0203e9b1677b5d610f7e5499.jpg

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That may be a better solution, since if you trim too much off the bottom edge you risk stressing the center ridge and cracking it. I assume you're going to use a heat gun to bend the edges?

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Yeah, that'd work too. Def go with whatever you're most comfortable with.

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I ordered an SC kit last week and as i am the skinniest guy i know, i may be having the same issue. Your fix seems like a good one.

Will you let us know how the bending goes?

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