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recommendations for boot brands and vendors

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Anyone want to give recommendations into boots that are comfortable? And by comfortable I mean like a sneaker. Have tried a few boots before and have yet to find a pair.


Also anyone have boots made from vendors here with comfort review?

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Anyone want to give recommendations into boots that are comfortable? And by comfortable I mean like a sneaker. Have tried a few boots before and have yet to find a pair.


Also anyone have boots made from vendors here with comfort review?


Offhand I can't think of a more comfortable hiking boot that is also affordable and plain enough to be easily modified; but many of us buy our boots about half a size bigger so we can easily fit an insole into it

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I can't speak for trooping as I don't have my scout finished yet but I do wear boots everyday, all day for work. You are going to be hard pressed to find a work boot that wears like a sneaker. Insoles make a difference but at the end of the day its still a boot, one covered in non-breathable vinyl at that ;)


I have been looking at some canvas boots for my build but am still up in the air over it. Here is a link to that thread if you want to check it out.


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Like the Paladium Pampa Soft Cuffs WPS boots you found, good comfort reviews.


Would they work ok building them compared to the popular Texas Steer?


I have no idea. The thing with the texas steer or any other work boot of that type is its a proven design and there are good tutorials using them, they are also inexpensive.


The Paladiums being waterproof (Sneaker-inspired ankle boot with waterproof protection and plush wool lining) I think would be quite hot, they are also expensive. I was thinking of getting them for work to try them out first this fall. If they can survive swamps, stone walls, barbed wire and deep forests with comfort then they could survive a troop ;) I have yet to pull the trigger on shoes. I really want to find something light weight and breathable with the right color sole, it's a unicorn I know.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well i don't know them which means nothing, because i'm new, but seems like a good idea to ask around first.


I cannot find anything about them and the lack of information on their site is impressive.

No names, no references. Maybe they just started setting it up...

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I’m 30+ troops using my Texas Steers and they have been great. Comfort is very important especially for your feet so go with what you feel is most comfortable for you. The sole color is important if you plan to submit Lancer at some point so keep that in mind. I went with one of the vendors (fellow scout) in the Trade Forum and he did a great job and I couldn’t be happier with them. I had him make the parts and then assembled them myself.

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Anyone ever heard of boots from bikerscoutboots.com?


Bikerscoutboots.com is run by a member of BSN.


See this thread: http://forum.bikersc...om&fromsearch=1


Yeah, it's Steve Robbins (sleeverob). He's a good guy, although he does not advertise on BSN. I've heard nothing but good stuff about his boots. http://forum.bikersc...?showuser=78150 http://www.501st.com...346&costumeID=6 http://www.whois.com...rscoutboots.com


You might also want to check out xChris909x's boots. Review here: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=13640&st=0

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The soles look to be the wrong shade of tan. Even if you don't do the boot cuts required for Lancer, my impression is that there's not enough of a heel.


If you look at the screen-used reference, the heel is more pronounced than the boot model you posted.




These boots are pretty popular: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B019CVC8TI/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

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Will these boots work? Not going for Lancer.


No. Even if you aren't going for Lancer (and why not??), the boots still need to bear some resemblance to the screen used ones. So, wheat colored soles, single color, with some tread. They aren't too hard to find and not all that expensive

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  • 3 months later...

I just received my Kingshow boots. Will be cutting and making my Biker boots here soon. They look pretty good.

I did see some original Biker boots online but too big for me or i would have gotten those. Hard to find in any quantities and range of sizes.

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