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TB-10114 Requesting Lancer Status (APPROVED)

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I have been modifying this kit since 2015 and tried to keep up with the changing CRL/Lancer Requirements, so here we go!


Michael Perkins


Old Line Garrison; Maryland & District of Columbia, USA


Armor & Helmet : Studio Creations

Helmet Decals : TrooperBay

TD clips : Fabricated by myself

Boots : Fabricated by myself

Undersuit, Flak Vest, Cummerbound, Cod, Pouches from Bolivia

Balaclava : Generic from Ebay

Gloves : TrooperBay

Blaster : Darth Voorhees















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Thank you for your application, the team will review and get back to you

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for your patience Michael, there are a couple of things the review team would like:


Please even up your vest sleeves, one looks longer than the other in most photos


Rotate bicep armor a little


Belt is low at back


We need close up photos of the blaster (scope, barrel)


Shoulder bridge canvas straps are too long please reduce the length


TD tube should be painted in a light grey color uniformely (no black gaps at least not regular black gaps)

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Here are some updates. I changed the shoulder bridges (Covers) and the shoulder bell straps to the zip ties. I swapped out the TD tube for one that is all gray. I will have pictures of the completed armor tomorrow for hopefully a final review.


Pistol: Got it from Darth Voorhees










Thermal Detonator Tube




Shoulder bridges and zip ties









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Team is reviewing

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Hello Michael thank you for your patience and for making the requested changes. The team has awarded you the rank of Lancer, your profile will be updated shortly.


Please send an action pic to Cheyenne (Forest Ranger) and we'll get you added to the wall!

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