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Can yellowed armor be approved?


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I'm looking to buy a used set of armor from a local Trooper. They said it's a little yellowed, and they were going to weather it but never did. Sounds like the price would be a lot less than if I bought new armor. They did say the costume was approved, but I don't know if that was before or after yellowing.

Can slightly yellowed armor be approved, or am I looking at a lot of work to get it back to white?

The armor in question is on the right. It doesn't look bad at all to me, but I'm a noob.



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I'd say that if you were to go for approval, this is a prime opportunity to do a bit of weathering. Some folks have painted or bleached their armour to get it bright white again, but if it's not horribly yellowed, it's likely ok.

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You can use a very fine wet/dry sandpaper & litely sand. Most of the yellow will come off, I did this with my wife's kit. Or you can just paint it all & have a fresh white armor.

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I would also advise checking with your GML (garrison membership liaison) ultimately he/she will be the one looking over the armor for approval.

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I don't think it looks too bad at all, but second checking with your GML. My bucket was slightly yellowed and it drove me nuts compared to my armor so I repainted it.


I posted a couple years back about that retr-o-brite peroxide concoction people use to un-yellow old PCs, game consoles, etc. I tried that on my bucket with some success, and used it on old stormtrooper figures and it worked great. Might be quite a project for a whole kit, but it's an option too.

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Well I picked it up today. Lots of the soft parts fit, boots are too small.

Now I just need flight suit, gloves, and boots.

Still not sure what I'm going to do about the yellowing. The shoulders, chest, and back are the worst.



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