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alright scouts,


after searching, reading, staring at pics and racking my brain i think its time to share what i am trying to work with on this biker scout costume.



Ordered and Waiting:

~ Suit #1 - Redkap - Sent out to Max's for tailoring and modifications -- paid/waiting
-- got scammed by max's sci fi -- never received suit or my money --



~ Armor - Wolfpack/Strider now known as CFO/Strider

~ Helmet 2 - RS Prop Masters Kit - check them out http://forum.bikersc...showtopic=18321

~ Balaclava - UA

~ Gloves  - Espirits Rain Gauntlet - check them out http://forum.bikersc...showtopic=18678

~ Suit #2 - Chef - i reworked to give more mobility, not sure if i gave a wrong dimension or if the suit was to tight

~ Flak Vest - Chef - amazing product

~ Blaster - DVH

~ Cummerbund/Pouches/Cod Piece - self

~ Boots - self

~ TD Clips - http://www.theclip.com/store/metal-belt-clip-661-tempered-belt-clip.html

i removed a makers name due to all his products being torn apart and reworked ... i had to buy a sewing machine, materials and learn how to sew and rework all the soft parts --- save yourself some headache and $$$ and learn how to sew yourself!!!

  • Like 1

Looks like you have done some research.


I suggest staying away farawaycreations/moncal, complaint thread is over 20 pages on the 501st forum.


I would do a little more research on armor, lots of build threads here with plenty of happy people ;)

  • Like 2

MC makes some pretty good looking armor, no doubt about it. But some of their wait times make RS Props look downright speedy by comparison!

  • Like 1

MC makes some pretty good looking armor, no doubt about it. But some of their wait times make RS Props look downright speedy by comparison!


well, im running out of options for proper looking armor, theres not to many out there :(


waiting might be my only option .... wolfpack/strider says sometime in the future, waiting for him to reply back on how long future is?



im not wanting to rush this build in anyway, i want it to look legit .. not slapped together :)





updated op .. some more contacts made for armor .. other orders filled


and so it starts:



  • Like 1
  • 3 weeks later...

if a mod see this .. i think this post got moved around with the revamp/changes, its now in the "soft parts" section. and im not sure if its in the right place now ??


if not, feel free to move where needed .. if its ok then nvm :)

  • 3 weeks later...

It's looking great. Recommend getting as close as you can to the edge of the tube. The end caps will cover the edges and it will look much better. Great choice on the blaster I have a DVH too and I love it.

  • Like 1

It's looking great. Recommend getting as close as you can to the edge of the tube. The end caps will cover the edges and it will look much better. Great choice on the blaster I have a DVH too and I love it.



hey thanks.


i will take your advice on the wrap .. the cord wants to roll around and create a pyramid effect .. like in pic1 -- pic2 didnt have many issus with that side ..this will still need some adjusting to get the cord to lay right.


agree, the dvh is a good looking piece .. to me, its the most accurate of the blasters i researched.

Posted (edited)

and more goods ...


reworking the boot flap and the stitching on the flap










Edited by 762s
  • Like 1
  • 4 weeks later...

recieved a rubber tank topper from dvh today .. i heard about those fins, decide to get a little insurance ;)


more to come!



  • 2 months later...

so, got my 2nd suit and a flak vest yesterday and decided to see what things looked like ...


this was the very first time i suited all this up and ...


i see i will have to:

~ add some stirrup to the pants

~ cod piece .. meh, to big? stitching radius needs redone? what? i do have the elastic just below the crotch turn and it is a 1 piece cod piece

~ im working on the filling of the pouches so, disregard any green foam you see

~ gloves are a wip too

~ the back of the bund needs pulled up -- secure with velcro to the suit?



so, with that ... ill take all the constructive critisism you all can give ... thanks



















It's always difficult to judge soft parts without the armor since everything has to go together but here're a few observations:


- Size of the cod piece looks good but you'd need to add more padding inside and get rid of the "camel toe"

- pouches probably have to come down by an inch

- size of pouched looks spot on

- great gloves, almost a shame to use them for the costume ;-)



  • Like 3

Strider has guided you well. Your build is coming together nicely! Do you plan to alter the suit some? My only suggestion would be to eliminate some of the bagginess, but still not too bad.

  • Like 1

The pouches should hang about two inches from the top of the bund, and the bund looks a bit long to me.


I would put some buckram inside of the codpiece to keep it form crumpling. This is something that never happens in the film.


Vest sleeves look a good length.


And yeah, stirrups!

  • Like 2

It's always difficult to judge soft parts without the armor since everything has to go together but here're a few observations:


- Size of the cod piece looks good but you'd need to add more padding inside and get rid of the "camel toe"

- pouches probably have to come down by an inch

- size of pouched looks spot on

- great gloves, almost a shame to use them for the costume ;-)




cod piece ended up really really bad in the first set of pics .. they are now deleted, haha


yeah, im kinda hesitant on modding the gloves ... i still have my wampa's and i think thats whats keeping me from modding them. i will be using them though just have to let novelty/newness of having them wear off a bit.





Strider has guided you well. Your build is coming together nicely! Do you plan to alter the suit some? My only suggestion would be to eliminate some of the bagginess, but still not too bad.


yes, i do plan to alter the suit a little ... ill try stirrups first on the legs to keep the legs from coming out the boot and bunching up

if i have to i will take them in/taper the legs just abit more



The pouches should hang about two inches from the top of the bund, and the bund looks a bit long to me.


I would put some buckram inside of the codpiece to keep it form crumpling. This is something that never happens in the film.


Vest sleeves look a good length.


And yeah, stirrups!



so, bund under chest armor a couple of inches then..

i looked back at some reference pics and i see what you and strider are talking about now with pouches being lower than the top of the bund


chrisx did add a flap with velcro to the pouches(see pics in post #10 above) ... i have them tucked and pinned behind the bund in the pictures.


i thought the bund was abit to long myself but, that will make for an easy fix when i get my armor to size it up with



and well, since the cod piece is bunching up i will look into fixing that too. chrisx added velcro to this part too(to attach to suit) and looks like i will be able to make that an easy fix as well



thanks guys for the criticism, i will work on the things you all mentioned while i wait for my armor




Ah. The pouch flaps (well I call them attachment tabs, the flaps are the things covering the pouch opening) should be on the front of the bund. Like so:



  • Like 2

One of my favorite screen shots. So much good info in one pic

  • Like 2

I've seen folks paint the inside of their tank red bc of that photo...


If this was Facebook I'd be looking for a "facepalm" gif right about now....

  • Like 2

Ah. The pouch flaps (well I call them attachment tabs, the flaps are the things covering the pouch opening) should be on the front of the bund. Like so:



ahh .. ive seen that pic around .. thanks for posting it here


so, by the way my velcro is now, it could stand to be swapped around to be attached to the bund instead of the armor ;)


got it!



  • Like 1

Personally, I think it's a better look when the pouches are attached to the bund instead of the armor. They tend to dangle at weird angles when attached to the armor.


I understand that people prefer attaching to the armor because that supports them better and you can store heavy things in them. But I think they look better after moving them to the bund:




To keep my bund from sliding down, I put some velcro on the back of my bund to attach it to the vest.

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  • 1 month later...

update ... that white stuff came in :shok:




its been a very long wait ... but, i am finally seeing the light at the end of this tunnel!

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I haven't had the chance to lay eyes on mine yet, but is it pretty obvious where the trim lines are going to be? I'm anxious to see how the trimming is going to go and what tools (e.g., Dremel, shears/snips, etc.) are going to make the job easiest...



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