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So I had some suggestions on updates which I am working through. Pics to follow.


So quick question. I have been wondering about the slots detail on the holster.

Are these cut out?


References pics that made me wonder






Thanks Joe. I thought not, but seeing the attached pics and others I have seen I thought it worth checking. Shadows, grit & all sorts sometimes make it hard to judge an image.

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Ok, updates.

As suggested, I have used the zip tie method to attach shoulder bells. Currently I have used Velcro which give me adjustment. No issues so far at troops.

Chest to back strap have also been resized as suggested



Shoulder bells have been shortened & reshaped as suggested



My hump was pretty well attached, so I added the strap for visual look only. I may look at doing the complete strap system later down the line




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Yeah, I believe it's just weathering in the notches.




Makes sense Jim, and the pull on the detail looks pretty sharp which would catch dirt well

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So, after careful thought, I decided to redo my weathering the spray can method. I did the scratches etc. Before the paint dried. In person it's a bit more weathered looking, but in natural light it looks more subtle. I took pics in direct sunlight and you would barely notice the weathering. I think I need to see how it looks in pics in various lights at a few events before I settle on it.


Excuse the dressing mistakes. I quickly put it on & forget my vest & cumb is badly done up .









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Looks dope dude! I think I'm gonna pull the trigger and rattle an weather mine too.



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I think like me, you'll be glad you did :)


I used barbecue paint . Scratches were done with a zip tie ran in random directions before the paint dried, so while creating the white wear it also created the black scratches. Anything too heavy I rubbed back with some cleaner & a light scrubber. I didn't want to scratch the armor too hard.


Started work on the cummerbund. Separated & shortened.

I am going to make my pouches smaller so I think I need to make the bund slightly shorter again.

Going to have to make a new cod piece next.



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Weathering is on point!


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Quick point, you can clearly see on the blu ray costume reference and the one from the costumes book (which I think are actually the same suit pictured at different times) that the slots on the holster are cut out. It's tough to tell from screen grabs, but I'd say there's precedence for either. Mine are cut out.


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Interesting guys. It certainly opens up the question a bit more. I don't have a Blu-ray, but it would definitely be worth getting some decent screen grabs . That's a great pic that Corey posted, but it may be viewed as cut outs​ or shadows.


From the blu-ray (keep in mind the holster is on the wrong boot):




That's a tough call, but to me they look like they were cut out



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Corey's screen grab does look like they were cut out. The bluray shot is definitely cut out. The Motm looks cut, or an extremely sharp pull.


It's definitely worth discussing yah or nah I think.


Resized my Bund for the 2nd time and I think it's the perfect size now. Cut my pouches apart & redrew the pattern to a smaller size. A quick test fit & I am pretty happy. The bund sagged in the middle when I took the picture so I will be adding velco/ clip to attach it in the centre of my undersuit so it stays lined up perfectly. Next I need to scratch build a new cod piece.



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Resized my Bund for the 2nd time and I think it's the perfect size now. Cut my pouches apart & redrew the pattern to a smaller size. A quick test fit & I am pretty happy. The bund sagged in the middle when I took the picture so I will be adding velco/ clip to attach it in the centre of my undersuit so it stays lined up perfectly. Next I need to scratch build a new cod piece.




Bund looks perfect dude! Nice work


Looking good trooper


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