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my home built armour

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Hello just want to say thank you for letting me join and just want to show what i have been working on

i am not planning to join the 501st i just done it for cosplay as living in the uk the costume would take a lot more work to pass

had to learn about vacuum forming and mold making my helmet is 3d printed


but i can say i have made it all myself

ho yes the imperial outlanders badge is held on by magnets so can be removed



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Nice work! I only see a few little details that jump out at me. but if you change your mind there is tons of help to be had in the UK

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thank you for all your comments i am off to refine 1 or 2 peaces to improve them

are the bits i need to work on straps,gloves, thermal Detonator,drop boxes and holster

a am work on the molds to vacuum form a new helmet did not quite get pivot right only opens half way

if you can some more please let me know thank you

see how mcm in London goes at the end of may as it is my first time in costume if i enjoy it i will

look at pushing on and trying to get it cleared


once again thank you this site as been very helpful to me

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