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I am looking to get a scout bucket. I have a larger head and am worried that the SC may be to small. I am fine with doing most the work on my own but not sure what kit is crap and which isn't on etsy. Do the altmanns come 100%? Can anyone point me in the right direction? Again not looking for a finished bucket but something I can build myself. Thanks in advance for your response


KS makes a larger bucket that you can build yourself. All the little add ons (snout, decals, bolts) need to be swapped out for more accurate ones, but it's a good bucket for trooping

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I agree with Mickey, I have both KS and Altmanns because I have a bigger melon. Great buckets for larger head people.


Case I agree with the guys, I have a SC and KS, SC will be small for you. KS is larger in sorts (Longer) though I can wear my glasses with the SC not the KS go figure?

I do know Altman isn't small.


You will need to measure the length as well as the width, having a larger head your chin will pop out of the SC, check out the sizing of the Altman's.


Thanks everyone. I have hit up KS and I believe I am going to go that route. I really do appreciate the help because I almost went with the SC and would have been bummed if I couldn't get it to fit.


I have a buddy that has a SC bucket and he is a bigger guy, it tight but fits. I have a KS, I had issues putting it together, this was a couple years ago. I have had a CB bucket and now I wear an Altmanns, the KS looks just like Atmanns. I think Spike has been updating his to have correct hinge bolts now.


The SC will fit most people. Fit isn't really the issue. The issue is will it look right on you? The Scout helmet is a big helmet relative to the wearer's body and the SC makes you look like you have a shrunken head if you aren't small enough


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