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TB-25415 Requesting Lancer Status (APPROVED)

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Just finished up the new armor and am ready to apply! My chin cup is poking out in the first few pictures, but I fixed it afterwards.


Helmet: RS

Armor: Strider

Jumpsuit: Modified Redkap

Cummerbund, Cod & Vest: CB

Gloves: Wampa Wear

Boots: Homemade

Blaster: Smitty
































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Hey Shaun,


it was a pleasure following your build thread and seeing the time and effort you've invested in your gear.


We do have a shopping list for you though - it may look long but most of them are really small fixes:


- Shoulders should have the same distance to the bridge respectively

- Upper arm armor should face to the side (it's facing a bit backwards).

- Pouches could be straighened out a bit and filled with "something".

- Chest/Back side straps should be cotton webbing.

- Tidy up the paint on the red stripe on the tank topper.

- Drop boxes need levelling off a bit more (back and sides as well).

- TD needs to be turned; it's upside down.


Further points not relevant for the app:


- The back armor needs to be trimmed back more to sit flush with the lower end of the tank

- I would suggest wearing a neck seal under the balacava to make the neck appear thicker


On a personal note, sometimes I wish we would have more levels or recognitions than just "Lancer" because your scout definitively has the potential to be among the finest and most authentic ones.


Good job!

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I'll get to work!

I had a question on the chest/back side strapping...mine are currently elastic, but was under the impression that so long as the color/size was correct that it was still acceptable. Was this not true? Pretty easy fix regardless, just want to clarify. :)


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I'll get to work!

I had a question on the chest/back side strapping...mine are currently elastic, but was under the impression that so long as the color/size was correct that it was still acceptable. Was this not true? Pretty easy fix regardless, just want to clarify. :)


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Hey Shaun,


for L1 it's okay but Lancer standards require cotton webbing just like the originals.



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Okey dokey...got it all sorted.

On my full-front shot I had my shoulders sitting back further than they're supposed to be, but rest assured they sit better than they look there.


-Side strapping has been replaced with cotton...


-Also of note is that I've replaced my gloves with some original Modded Esprits.


-My bicep armor still wasn't sitting in the right spot but didn't notice until I had taken everything off. I've placed Velcro where they need to stay. There is a detail shot showing correct positioning.


-Back plate was trimmed down


-Red line fixed on tank topper


-TD greeblies flipped


-Drop boxes adjusted


Obligatory action shots included! ^_^





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Shaun, thanks for your application and outstanding work on your costume. The team has awarded you the rank of Lancer. Now get out there and make us proud. Congrats! :duim:


Send your action pic to Cheyenne (Forest Ranger) and we'll get you added to the wall!

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