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I'm using the MICH (military kevlar helmet pads) pads in my ST bucket but they need to be maybe 1/4" or slightly more thick.


I found these on the google and the amazon



I hope these help me with my issue of the helmet lens resting on my nose as well as tigheten up the fit.


For my lens I bought the Hobart grinder shield face mask from amazon




I really like this lens, its almost like a pair of sunglasses when you wear the bucket. Didn't attempt to heat bend it to fit but I have a scrap I can test.



anyone else using the hobart lens?

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You might be able to get some seat foam to add to the helmet padding. Some of the space fitters have an opening to add or remove foam.


I will have to check out that grinder shield. I have been looking for a something I can use for different helmets. How flexible is it?


I used those same pads in my KS Scout bucket and they worked well


For my TIE bucket I swapped to CAT knee pads and the helmet feels super comfortable. I highly recommend them. They are super easy to cut up along the lines and I used velcro to secure the padding in place.


I ordered an Anovos helmet so I probably won't need these for my Shoretrooper but if I end up selling that and build my own I am definitely going to do this again.





  • 2 months later...

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