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If I may share my take on the TD and its Tube...


The TD box & caps are part of my Strider kit, the Tube is made of a grey 40mm plastic sewer pipe wrapped in a light grey cable. About the cable, I can tell that every single german tool store has only standard sizes of cables and as per their current portfolio, the smallest one will have a 5-6mm diameter, in order to reach the 2-3mm diameter, I did the following...


I cut if off over the whole lenght and removed the inner cable bits so that I only had the coat left, as a next step I rolled it togehter with pressure and spotted it with Zap-A-Gap so stability of form...

When ecerything was to my satiffaction, I heated it up with the heat-gun and rolled it again to improve the appearance back to "cable-like". As a last step, I strechted the consrtuct after heating it again, the outcome was a light grey cable with a 2.5mm diameter which I then wrapped around the sewer pipe.


I have to confess that it was a bit of a stunt and it took me one whole saturday but in the end, I am quite satisfied with the result in terms of colour, size and dimensions.


Last week I finalized it with the clips. I made them out of an old PC case which had definately the perfect steel tin and painted them black after a lot of Dremel work^^.


As said, Iam actually very happy with what I made and any kind of feedback would be much appreciated, cheers!









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That looks great! I have my tube done and I'm waiting (anxiously) for my new TD and belt from Strider to come to assemble them. Your armor is really well done. I would really like to encourage you to submit for Lancer when your armor is complete and you have your basic approval under your belt.

  • Like 1

Looks great man. Waiting for my new TD and caps as well!


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Thanks for the feedback guys, it helps a lot!


That looks great! I have my tube done and I'm waiting (anxiously) for my new TD and belt from Strider to come to assemble them. Your armor is really well done. I would really like to encourage you to submit for Lancer when your armor is complete and you have your basic approval under your belt.


Sure thing I will go for Lancer, actually my whole build is focused on reaching that state but I´ll spare the app until I am done with my LW bucket and the overall weathering ;) ... Basic app is going on Air in a few days, once the riding patches were done.

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Sorry for being dense, but I joined the thread late and many of your original images seem to have been deleted. I'm still not 100% clear on the exact source of the wire you're using there. Your result looks so much like the screen prop that I really want to reproduce this as closely as I can...





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Hi Dan. Shaun found that an extension cord would do the trick. I ended up going with two 12' HDX cords I found at HD. I cut off the ends and pulled them apart. You won't want to use the side with the raised areas so toss that. Some others have used RJ11 phone cable and cat5 cable. Hope that helps!


Ah, okay - just good 'ole extension cord. Thanks - I'll go take a look at that and give it a whirl for practice while I wait for my actual hardware to arrive.


Much appreciated!



Ah, okay - just good 'ole extension cord. Thanks - I'll go take a look at that and give it a whirl for practice while I wait for my actual hardware to arrive.


Much appreciated!




Anytime! If you're in need of a hose I went with a 1 5/8 hose from HD. It was in the plumbing aisle where the hoses are for dishwashers/disposals. It's a clear hose with a mesh reinforcement. I cut that down to about the length of my original hose that came with my SC kit the wrapped it with the cord using a touch of CA glue every 2-3 wraps or so.



Anytime! If you're in need of a hose I went with a 1 5/8 hose from HD. It was in the plumbing aisle where the hoses are for dishwashers/disposals. It's a clear hose with a mesh reinforcement. I cut that down to about the length of my original hose that came with my SC kit the wrapped it with the cord using a touch of CA glue every 2-3 wraps or so.

I think the screen used hose was closer to 1 3/8, but because we don't know for sure, the 1 5/8 is fine as well. If you use a 1 3/8 hose it wraps around it about as many times as the screen used one.


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Sorry for being dense, but I joined the thread late and many of your original images seem to have been deleted. I'm still not 100% clear on the exact source of the wire you're using there. Your result looks so much like the screen prop that I really want to reproduce this as closely as I can...





Sorry about the pictures...I'm not sure what could have happened. I'll try to get it sorted


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I think the screen used hose was closer to 1 3/8, but because we don't know for sure, the 1 5/8 is fine as well. If you use a 1 3/8 hose it wraps around it about as many times as the screen used one.


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Thanks Shaun I remember you mentioning it now. I ended up not being able to find that particular size so I had to go with the 5/8ths but thankfully the dia actually measured out under that. Huge difference from the previous one and looks a ton better.


What did you end up with for length on either side of the TD box? The film version looks a bit lopsided and I wanted to even that out but I couldn't find a good way to ensure scale.

  • 3 weeks later...

Great find! I have been looking around to upgrade my detonator tube and I was thinking ethernet cable but it seems too thick.. Like a previous poster mentioned many of the original pics arent up anymore so im not 100% sure which cable youre referring to. Am I correct that it is this one here http://www.homedepot.com/p/HDX-12-ft-16-2-SPT-2-Slender-Plug-Extension-Cord-White-HD-342-417/100672779 that was cut down the middle?

  • Like 2
Great find! I have been looking around to upgrade my detonator tube and I was thinking ethernet cable but it seems too thick.. Like a previous poster mentioned many of the original pics arent up anymore so im not 100% sure which cable youre referring to. Am I correct that it is this one here http://www.homedepot.com/p/HDX-12-ft-16-2-SPT-2-Slender-Plug-Extension-Cord-White-HD-342-417/100672779 that was cut down the middle?

That's it!


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That's it!


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hmmm, im a little bit confused.. i have 1 3/8" OD tubing and a cord with the same dimensions as the one you are using.. yet when i wrap it, it is tiny and looks way too small in the detonator.. am i missing something.. are you sure the 1 3/8 is the tubing you used?





hmmm, im a little bit confused.. i have 1 3/8" OD tubing and a cord with the same dimensions as the one you are using.. yet when i wrap it, it is tiny and looks way too small in the detonator.. am i missing something.. are you sure the 1 3/8 is the tubing you used?



Yup...that looks right! What armor are you using?

Here is a pic of my completed TD...



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I have an SC kit,, oh maybe im going crazy I thought in one of your earlier pics that the tube came all the way to the other side of the slot but from this pic it clearly doesnt.. hmm this is a pic from the blu-ray that im looking at and it seems that when on the belt it would pretty much sit up against the belt, but now that i look again i can see that the detonator in the blu-ray pic doesnt seem to be as thick as mine if you know what i mean as in if I were to sit mine face up on a table it would be taller? perhaps its just the angle




this pic here, your tube encompasses the entire opening of the plastic part.. are these different detonators?



I have an SC kit,, oh maybe im going crazy I thought in one of your earlier pics that the tube came all the way to the other side of the slot but from this pic it clearly doesnt.. hmm this is a pic from the blu-ray that im looking at and it seems that when on the belt it would pretty much sit up against the belt, but now that i look again i can see that the detonator in the blu-ray pic doesnt seem to be as thick as mine if you know what i mean as in if I were to sit mine face up on a table it would be taller? perhaps its just the angle



You are definitely correct! SC thermal detonators are not as accurate in size compared to some of the other makers. Constantin's armor is what I have and the size is perfect! I think that's what you're noticing


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this pic here, your tube encompasses the entire opening of the plastic part.. are these different detonators?



Yes, this was an earlier version of Constantins detonator. The finished one I posted a pic of a minute ago is a newer version :)


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aah okay thanks for clarifying that! :) damn I didnt know that.. I wonder if I should contact Constantin and order one from him..

aah okay thanks for clarifying that! :) damn I didnt know that.. I wonder if I should contact Constantin and order one from him..

If you have the opportunity to get any pieces from him do it! They're the best of the best!


Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk



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