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Hi all

Just after some guidance on the remaining tweaks needed before submitting.






Looking forward to your comments to assist me making this project something special :-)d983c1661f8e43ebacfcfdcceafea2d2.jpgb3a3198c0d5eab972f11a2989a61cb75.jpg7058e20ee682560a8aec2688e446d060.jpg


Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk




Looking good so far, but here's a few things that need to be addressed:


1. Your ammo pouch needs to rest towards the front of your hip plate. The right strap needs to attach to either under your belt or the underside of the ab plate.


2. The black portions of your backpack need to be painted the sahara beige color.


3. Your yellow squares on the bicep are a tad big and could use a little more red space between them.


4. In the pic it looks like your ab plate is riding down a bit. I'd recommend using suspenders or a strap between your chest and ab in order to help avoid having a gap. I really recommend suspenders, it'll be more accurate looking and more comfortable for trooping so you won't have to be pulling up your ab plate all the time.


5. So for your weathering it looks a little light in some places, a little dark in others. The helmet for instance looks a little heavy to me, I'd recommend trying to blend it in to not be as drastic. (My opinion obviously, if you like it you don't have to change a thing.) The paint on most of the rest of the kit seems fairly untouched. I'd definitely recommend giving it a good brown/black wash or two to help dull the color a bit. Then one last thing would be to scuff up your hard edges some more. Especially if you used a black undercoat/primer. Just brush some sandpaper across them to expose that black underneath in some places. If you study pics or see one of the movie kits in person you'll notice that Shoretroopers are super dirty, they have a layer of grime top to bottom, but they don't have a ton of huge black splotches, most of your black comes through around the edges and where the armor rubs together.


Here's a good pic I use for reference for some of the things I talked about. Also if you could post a pic of your other side profile that would be helpful so I can check your details over there.




Thanks for the reply chap :-)

I shall dig out the other side in just a sec..

How would I go about doing this dark wash?


Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk




I think the flash on the camera really makes the paint look super bright :-( but I can see where the weathering you talk about needs to be :-)


Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk




Mr Paul has an awesome weathering step by step thread located here: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/39259-howto-shoretrooper-helmet-painting-tutorial-by-paul-prentice/page-1


One thing to note from your new pics, The elastic on your "TD/Pringles can" is definitely too big currently. It should be around 1.5-1.75 inches.



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