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Do such a thing exists?


Iv been wondering/looking for 2 reasons, (blizzard detachment has not been fruitful).


Firstly, I know it will take me a while to get my TB together, figured I'll have the helmet, why not create a few foam pieces here and there, then swap them out as I acquire proper bits...

And secondly..

For the kids...


I know people like Walt (wtf) do kids kits, but I'm not going to spend 400$ on a kit he'll outgrow in a year...maybe two. (Sorry Walt, still got love though!!)


So I was wondering, if anyone knows of, or has, TB or TS templates that I can scale down to make a foam kit for him (or them, as his sister is into everything he does) or scale up to fill in pieces I need?


I'm sure with enough reference pics I could do a "decent" job... But Id rather do it "right" so to speak...



Hi Andrew,


Unfortunately, the only templates I've ever seen were some pepakura files but they weren't too accurate. For kids, I'm sure they're fine as a base.


As for using foam bits for yourself, I'd suggest you save your time as the armour must be of the hard plastic variety for 501st approval. ;)

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