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I have a opportunity to buy a LW or stay with my Altmanns


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Really don't know if I should. I'm very happy with my Altmanns. I can buy the LW for 600$ Canadian. I'm not hurting for cash . Should I buy it ? I guess I should be asking myself this question lol . I'm TB 14983 . Let me know what you guys think

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I'd be all over that. LW are hard to come by and a fantastic helmet.


No-one said you can't have two excellent buckets ;)


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Do it. I love my Altmanns too but I wouldn't pass it up. If it comes to pass that you have to part with it you will not have any worries selling it. For me I'd take that lid over an RS anyday:)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I used to own the KS, right now I own the LW, the RS, and have the EFX on pre-order. And still the LW helmet is proudly staying in my collection, despite being asked by various people, including close friends, to sell it. LW is a different animal, it's very well made, a beautiful and elegant piece of art, and VERY accurate, even by today's standards, when compared to RS or EFX proto.

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