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Making a new Bikerscout armor


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This time I'm tackling the large TD greeblie. Most people use the greeblie from DJDesigns which was entirely build from scratch. It's not too bad but I always wondered if the proportions were really correct as it looked a bit too small compared to the one from the Blu Ray screenshot.


The major piece of this greeblie has been identified and it comes from a Tamiya Ferrari 312 T4 Model Kit:




Now, I don't have the Kit but our very own Spike was so nice as to send me a cast from his piece (Thanks Buddy!!) so I could take a shot at building the greeblie:


1. Sketching the dimensions




2. Building the large part of the greeblie using a 1,5mm ABS sheet




3. Making a mold of the greeblie


4. Casting the greeblie in black resin (compared to a reference pic)




If anybody wonders how this greeblie compares to the one from DJDesigns (on the right) here's a comparison:




Hope you like it :)

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great to be on the same "page" as others and able to help out AND


sharing build parts or imformation :)


That's the true spirit!

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  • 1 month later...

Is it possible to get just the belt armor from you strider? I have an older kit with an inaccurate belt made up of separate boxes, as opposed to the one piece design.


Hey bro, atm I'm not making any armor parts but I'll let you know when I do. Thanks!

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Inspired by Gino's scout build exhibit at SW celebration I decided to redo the all soft parts using accurate measures and materials.


The fabric for the cummerbund and cod is a 100% cotton with a mercerized satin finsh. The weight is 350g per meter or 115g per m2.


Fabric example using studio lightning:




The height of the cummerbund is 8.5 inches and about 9 inches on top of the arc.


The fabric for the pouches is a soft white canvas 100% cotton of medium weight that I have dyed off-white with black tea. Based on Gino's measures that were taken from an original template (as we were told) I've drawn this template:




Close up example of the pouch and CB fabric:




And here's how it looks on the mannequin:





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Thanks guys, much appreciated :) I've revisited the soft parts so many times, I really hope this was the last time, haha.

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Thanks guys, much appreciated :) I've revisited the soft parts so many times, I really hope this was the last time, haha.

Last time for YOU maybe...still gotta make mine! ;)


Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk



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  • 2 months later...

Just a small update on the upper arm armor. Since we've discovered a few months back that the strap used for the upper arm armor was actually 2 inches wide most armors (mine included) were to small because they were scaled to the 1.5 inch strap. I'Ve adjusted the mold now and made a set for a buddy. This is what it now looks with a 2 inch strap:



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Strider, since the slot is now a 1/2" longer, did you add any sort of reinforcement to keep it from flexing and potentially snapping?

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Strider, since the slot is now a 1/2" longer, did you add any sort of reinforcement to keep it from flexing and potentially snapping?


I'm using 2mm acrylic capped ABS which is a bit flexible but very durable. So with that material it shouldn't be a problem...

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Strider, do you have a website or another place these pictures are? This build sounds awesome, I just wish I could see it *raises a fist at photobucket*


yeah, good point - I still need to update the pics for this thread. I've done it already for most of my other threads but it's s lot of work each time so bare with me :)

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Just a small update on the upper arm armor. Since we've discovered a few months back that the strap used for the upper arm armor was actually 2 inches wide most armors (mine included) were to small because they were scaled to the 1.5 inch strap. I'Ve adjusted the mold now and made a set for a buddy. This is what it now looks with a 2 inch strap:



What's that gonna cost us strider owners to upgrade?

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the days are ticking away and to see updates and changes like above make the wait even easier!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks, man! We're currently in the process of finetuning all molds and will be offering the armor on a frequent base in a couple of months from now. And it's not the royal "we" I'm using, I did indeed hook up with a fellow prop maker from the UK - So stay tuned, guys :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

After reviewing the RS bikerscout helmet (see here >> http://bit.ly/2yFDC4P ) I found many things that were not accurate but it was also the first time I've held a helmet with a genuine lineage in my hand. And apart from the details the proportions of the helmet were intriguing. I thought I was pretty close with my old helmet but seeing the two next to each other did show a number of slight differences so I decided to upgrade my molds. After going through some iterations this was the final result:










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looks very nice!!




~ did you mold a track in the inside back seam of the helmet? -- seen in pic 4 under chin strap.


~ is it an optical/photo illusion in pic 2 the top of the dome doesnt look symetrical? -- i do not see that difference with the dome on the front views.


again, it looks very nice strider .. good job!

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