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Making a new Bikerscout armor


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  • 3 weeks later...

I recently snagged a pair of bikerscout boots on ebay. As you can see not the originals but one of the cameo derivatives. Also (as on all original bikerscout boots found to date) the ridge at the heels is missing. Still I thought this could serve as a nice reference for some trying to emulate the groves.









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Where did you manage to find those?


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Ebay, but they were listed under a slightly different name.

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  • 2 weeks later...

First off, Happy New Year my fellow Treedodgers!


By way of a New Year's resolution I've decided to "finish what I started" and do the whole armor :) I never found a holster that really satisfied me so let's continue with this part.


As usual I followed 3 simple steps:


1. References, references, references (in that order!)

2. Find some scrap wood and some plaster

3. Do it!


Starting with number one, this is what we are aiming for:







2. Do some prototypes:





3. Heat up the oven and bake a new holster.







Thanks for looking :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

One other part I've never been satisfied with was the upper arm armor. Most makers make the form that envelops the greeblie to edgy and not rounded and flowing like the originals. Moreover, since the lower greeblie has not yet been found, the fan made greeblies varied quite a bit from the real thing. My aim was to tackle both of those issues. This is what we're looking for:






Upper greeblie:







Upper and lower greeblie:




After going through some test&trial versions, this is what the final upper arm armor lookes like:








EDIT: Here is a link to a further update I made to the upper arm armor >>>



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Last but not least the thermal detonator.


Reference picture:




While I still searching for the larger greeblie (Ferrari 312T4 and a Boussh greeblie for the larger part) I decided to go ahead with the old one and change it at a later point.


I really like to work with wood to make a prototype and mold it in plaster later on (easier to vaccum form).




First pull :)



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Allrighty, I'm finally done :) I've pulled a kit (trimmed and cutted) for a buddy to see how it comes out:




Accessories kit:




While I'll plan some more updates in the future I'm happy how it all came out at the moment. The high gloss acrylic capped 2mm ABS is cool stuff and really durable. Almost too nice to give it some of that Endor look - but just almost ;-)


I won't be taking any orders atm but if I do one I'll let you guys know!

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Wow! That is one gorgeous kit sir! If folks like you and Spike keep doing work like this you guys are going to have to make Lancer even harder to get😀



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Strider is a tease.... :) Nice work my man! If your ever do a few kits to sale you better drop me a line!


LOL, I know. You see, originally I never planned to make the whole armor but collaborate with another prop maker where I give the specifications and he executes them. Unfortunately he proved to be unreliable and the work he did came short of my expectations so I decided to make everything myself.


I really appreciate the support from you guys and hopefully I'll be able to offer some Kits in the future. However, my initial goal was and still is to inspire a "strive for accuracy" (sounds a bit corny, doesn't it?) in the hope that other makers up their game.



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No, it doesn't sound corny at all! Beck it's why we do this in the first place. I've been buggin Tim about cable to wrap around my TD for my Lancer submission so we all want to achieve that next level. All I know is that I want to be on that list too if you start offering these.😀

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, I wasn't all that happy with the TD so I decided to give it another try. Here you can see the develpment of wood prototypes (from top left to bottom right) and the final plaster mold:




Next step is to do some castings and build it along with the appropriate wire and tube.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is what the latest cast looks like. The tube incl. wire has a diameter of 4,5cm and the caps have a diameter of 5cm (I also did new caps to fit tube&wire). While I'm still not happy with the tube and wire atm I think the overall proportions look allright now.





Reference shot:





I've experimented with another wire. I think it looks slightly better than the other although it's not so nicely evenly spaced.



Edited by Strider
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That looks incredible, dude

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These are really incredible! Would it be possible to get one of these boxes from you? I'm working to get my TD accurate for my Lancer submission.

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These are really incredible! Would it be possible to get one of these boxes from you? I'm working to get my TD accurate for my Lancer submission.


Thanks, bro. Let me see what I can do :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

While I'm still waiting on some parts (wire and large greeblie) to complete the thermal detonator as well as on my RS bucket I thought I post some pics of the helmet Oli (Shadow78) made out of one of my Kits. He did the weathering with airbrush which looks quite cool IMO.

On the left is a reference pic (obviously) and on the right the helmet he assembled:








One more for the collection :)




Btw, I found some boots on ebay that are incredibly close to the screen used boots as well as some thick white leather so stay tuned ;-)

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