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Attention - New Lancer Added to the Ranks


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It is my pleasure to welcome Chase Gray, TB-71784 "BlitzJaeger" to the esteemed ranks of the Lancers!


Be sure to get Cheyenne a photo so she can add it to the Lancer Wall


Congratulations and Happy Birthday, dude!

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...is this real life?


Wow. This is really amazing!


Let me say thank you to the Scouts here on the site, for your advice and help. Particularly Peter (Retrofire) who I bothered more than once. Also to my Garrison friends and future ART Viper Scouts: Jason (Proxis), Johnathan (JSwann), Stephanie (Atheris/LegitCupcake), Justin (Justin) and Mike (OzarkScout) for their constant help and support on my road to this moment!


A huge thank you to the Scout Command, particularly Michael (Chex) who didnt go easy on me just because we are friends...


And my biggest thanks to Mickey (BikerScout007) who knows how bad I wanted this since the day I became a Scout and has tolerated my barrage of detailed and obnoxious questions at all times of the day and night with nothing but patience and shared enthusiasm [seriously though.]


I am very honored, humbled and super pumped to have finally made it! I can say I never thought I would be doing this as an adult, living life as an on screen bad ass that I saw as a 5 year old boy, now 27 years ago. Nothing impressed upon me like the Star Wars Biker Scout, so this truly is a lifetime dream I didnt know I had, coming true! Thank you everyone!

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I'm shedding a tear under my bucket for you bro (seriously)! I am so proud of you and honored to call you brother. Congrats on an achievement well earned!

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