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Black Falcon : Pre-clearance pics

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Nothing really major. Your flaps on your pouches looks a bit wide. Also does your bund closure right over left? I can't tell by the picture. Your square greeblie on the TD could be flipped where the notch is at the top. Maybe level the chest and back out. Your there its just super small stuff.

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Looks really good, nice work! The tan on the boot soles is a bit light in color, so your GML may have an issue. I can tell it's tan, but it almost looks white based on the image exposure. The only other comment from me is to bring your shoulder bells up a tad and put the forearms on the outside of the gloves. Great looking scout!

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Looks good so far!


Some things that popped out for me, bear in mind these might not all get a rejection from a GML.

** Back & Chest don't seem to meet evenly where the cover-fabric is, can you level this more?

** Forearms can definitely sit lower, if you're able to, go for it! :D

** Does your knee have the white rivet w/ elastic? Not required for basic, but highly recommend that mod for better way of keeping it on.

** Boot sole color as mentioned by Jim, likely just exposure, try to make sure that you clarify this or take a photo that isn't as exposed

** It looks like your undersuit is missing the suede patches, am I missing that?? And it appears it has pockets on the thighs... again could just be my eyes! But if it does, that's a no-go.

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Just to add to the above, it looks good for basic. Only the boot sole color might hold you up.


The codpiece is a bit narrow for my taste and your vest sleeves might be a bit puffy but overall well done!

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** It looks like your undersuit is missing the suede patches, am I missing that?? And it appears it has pockets on the thighs... again could just be my eyes! But if it does, that's a no-go.


The suede/elastic is there. I think the "pocket flap" you see is just the elastic strap...I saw it too, at first.


That said, *MY* eyes aren't seeing the suede going up far enough, and with that, the straps look too low.

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Looks good so far!


Some things that popped out for me, bear in mind these might not all get a rejection from a GML.

** Back & Chest don't seem to meet evenly where the cover-fabric is, can you level this more?

** Forearms can definitely sit lower, if you're able to, go for it! :D

** Does your knee have the white rivet w/ elastic? Not required for basic, but highly recommend that mod for better way of keeping it on.

** Boot sole color as mentioned by Jim, likely just exposure, try to make sure that you clarify this or take a photo that isn't as exposed

** It looks like your undersuit is missing the suede patches, am I missing that?? And it appears it has pockets on the thighs... again could just be my eyes! But if it does, that's a no-go.


My laptop screen at work apparently has terrible resolution/contrast. Disregard my last bit! :)

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Thanks for the feedback guys.


Most of what you've said is already taken care of.


The pics don't show the suede patches clearly. The pockets have been removed and the suede goes right up to the crotch. Pic not clear again.


I have the white rivet on knee pad.


I've redone the soles so they are a shade or two darker.


I'm swapping the bund closure over.


I'll see what I can do about the forearm, maybe I'll stretch my arms a bit.

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No need to stretch the arms! Just have it so the forearm go over the gloves a little bit. The below image was taken from a recent Lancer application that was approved.



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