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Attention - New Lancer Added to the Ranks


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I'm trying not to tear up.....



It is my pleasure to welcome Daniel Craig (Nexous) TB-91728 to the rank of Lancer! We put Daniel through the ringer and he delivered without complaint. Three cheers


Daniel, shoot me a photo so I can add it to the Lancer page.


And for the rest of you... what are you doing to become a Lancer today?

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Biker Scout was the very first costume I ever built (admittedly, I did it TERRIBLY)... but with the help of BS.N and some great friends things have changed a lot in the past year. I want to thank you all for being the community that you are and creating a positive learning environment. All our command staff and members are great individuals.


But, of course a special mention goes out to Mickey. He is absolutely a great mentor, bold and honest, but that's the sort of thing you need to hear when you're working at achieving better. I appreciate every minute he took out of his day to review photos and offer suggestions. Thank you.

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Biker Scout was the very first costume I ever built (admittedly, I did it TERRIBLY)... but with the help of BS.N and some great friends things have changed a lot in the past year. I want to thank you all for being the community that you are and creating a positive learning environment. All our command staff and members are great individuals.


But, of course a special mention goes out to Mickey. He is absolutely a great mentor, bold and honest, but that's the sort of thing you need to hear when you're working at achieving better. I appreciate every minute he took out of his day to review photos and offer suggestions. Thank you.


Real tears, bruh, real tears.

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Congrats, and just like Mickey helped you, we wxpect you to pay that advice and help forward as well. Good job and thanks for being patient with us, and making changes we asked of you!

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Congrats, and just like Mickey helped you, we wxpect you to pay that advice and help forward as well. Good job and thanks for being patient with us, and making changes we asked of you!


Of course :) I love the Scout costume and helping others out.

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Congrats. The more Lancers the better.

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