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Can someone fill me in?

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A thermal detonator in my understanding has always been a spherical grenade like the one carried by Boussh in ROTJ. What the heck is the oxygen tank looking things on the backs of TK and TD's that everyone refers to as a thermal detonator? If it is in fact an explosive weapon how exactly is it supposed to work?

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A thermal detonator in my understanding has always been a spherical grenade like the one carried by Boussh in ROTJ. What the heck is the oxygen tank looking things on the backs of TK and TD's that everyone refers to as a thermal detonator? If it is in fact an explosive weapon how exactly is it supposed to work?


Not the tank, it's the device on the back of the belt that we refer to as the Thermal Detonator. And TD's come in all shapes and sizes. I always imagined ours as some sort of potato masher type grenade similar to what the Germans used.

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It just seems like an odd shaped device to be used as an explosive to be lobbed at an enemy. I don't ever recall seeing it being used in video games or even EU for TD or TK for that matter. I say oxygen tank because as a kid that's always what I thought it was for the TKs.

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It just seems like an odd shaped device to be used as an explosive to be lobbed at an enemy. I don't ever recall seeing it being used in video games or even EU for TD or TK for that matter. I say oxygen tank because as a kid that's always what I thought it was for the TKs.


Can't fit much oxygen in that small tank!

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I always viewed the TD as a sort of satchel charge that a Pathfinder could set as part of their sneakiness. BADA-BOOM and no rebel scum knows we were there....ahhhh the Pathfinder way:)

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This may help, although we don't see them used, there are different types of detonators.


Class-A (used by Leia in Jabba's palace):



Baradium Core Code-key (worn by the clones and classic troopers):





The biker scout variation is similar to the second version. Of course, it's all just Sci-Fi goodness. :)

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