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Hello from VA


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Last weekend I spent all weekend taking as many pictures of everyone I could find at AwesomeCon. Sitting at home looking through all my pictures, I thought to myself "Man I want to make my own suit."

So here I am, I know its going to be a long process. Its going to take me a bit to scrap together the cost, but hey that gives me time to research.

I love the look of the scout troopers so that is what I am going to work towards.


Thanks for letting me join.




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Welcome to the BS.N forest Chris! That's great you had the opportunity to see the troopers at AwesomeCon. You've come to the right place as this is the place for all things Pathfinder. I would encourage you to contact your local garrison which for you would be the Garrison Tyranus at www.garrisontyranus.com . There you can meet local troopers who can assist you in becoming a member of the 501st Pathfinders. Research is the best place to start and this place is chock full of great information and there is much to learn. You'll need a minimum of five posts to access the trade forum so head out, look around and introduce yourself. If you have any questions feel free to post up as there are a host of helpful, knowledgeable folks here that are always willing to help. Again, welcome and please let us know if we can be of help.

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I decided to join right after Awesomecon as well. We aren't in the same garrison, but Woodbridge isn't that far from me (maybe an hour or less). I'll keep my eye out for any local armor parties up my way and shoot you a message about them if you're interested.

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Funny note. While I was at awesomecon I was taking a bunch of pictures of everything Star Wars I could find. When I went to the Garrison Tyranus page to register I noticed that their group picture was exactly like some I had taken, which made me realize that I had actually taken the Garrisons group picture.

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I am also working building a TB to join up with Garrison Tyranus. I am down in the Hampton roads area though. Ionly got about 2 weeks head start on you. I can tell you though every question I have had has been asked and answered here or on the GT forums already so I don't post much but read the crap outta what is here.

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Welcome to bs.n, Chris!

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Welcome Chris to the BSN, and GT soon. Any help you need, I'm here for you. I'm in the Eastern Region, but am just a PM away. We just started an Advanced Recon Team in the Garrison to help support and promote Biker Scouts. Lots of fine people in the NOVA area to help you out. I highly suggest attending a troop and getting to meet some members and start talking shop about the Scout. We love to talk with anyone willing to listen. lol

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I highly suggest attending a troop and getting to meet some members and start taling shop about the Scout. We love to talk with anyone willing to listen. lol


I will second that, I have helped out on two very different troops with the Eastern GT folks so far and doing another on Saturday. Great people willing to share info in exchange for water and help suiting up. :lol:

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I picked up some cloth this weekend so im going to start on the vest. There is a sewing workshop in our garrison this coming sat. that I'm going to so hopefully I can get this started on the right foot.

I think i got the wrong cloth for the cumber though, its just a plain white muslin type cloth. Im going to use it to make the cumber anyways and if its not the right kind I'll atleast have experience making it for the next time.

Here goes nothing.

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I picked up some cloth this weekend so im going to start on the vest. There is a sewing workshop in our garrison this coming sat. that I'm going to so hopefully I can get this started on the right foot.

I think i got the wrong cloth for the cumber though, its just a plain white muslin type cloth. Im going to use it to make the cumber anyways and if its not the right kind I'll atleast have experience making it for the next time.

Here goes nothing.


Dude that's awesome! I wish our Garrison would have a sewing workshop! What a great idea. I think the cloth for the bund is duck cloth but I'll let a more sewing experienced Pathfinder weigh in on that one.

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Alright, i have order my bucket., ordered my hard armor from studio creations, ordered my gloves, have the fabric for cumb vest and boots.

Going to get the flight suit tomorrow.


So now i just need the suede, balaclava, and blaster.


Am i missing anything?

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Alright, i have order my bucket., ordered my hard armor from studio creations, ordered my gloves, have the fabric for cumb vest and boots.

Going to get the flight suit tomorrow.


So now i just need the suede, balaclava, and blaster.


Am i missing anything?


Yes! A delightful adult beverage and ROTJ on Blu-Ray :D

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