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Neck Seal


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It's been awhile since I posted something on these boards. But I feel like this should be discussed. Long ago when I started Researching the biker Scout I noticed that there was an Optional Neck Seal, Similar to the TK one. I also noticed it on a few museum Prop Displays I've found over the last few years and if you look close in the New BattleFront Game. Yup they have a ribbed neck seal. Now is this some sort of variant that shopped up in the movie that I never noticed or something they added to the museum piece? I'm not really sure and I'm also unsure if it was ever discussed here.


But Hey would love feedback on this.


Side Note:

I love how the Mandarin collar looks on the scout as is but have used a TK neck seal while at events as Kilted Trooper.

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The scouts in the movie wore neck seals, but UNDER the mandarin collar. I know, that sounds ridiculous but that's how it was done.


We will not ding you for wearing a neck seal as long as you do it like that. But then you will probably question the point of wearing it. Don't worry, we do too ;)

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Not silly at all! The neck seal has been confusing for a lot of folks, especially since the scout in the Costumes book was dressed up wrong and had the neck seal placed OVER the collar.

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So does that mean you can drop the balaclava and go with a neck seal? How about for Lancer?

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So does that mean you can drop the balaclava and go with a neck seal? How about for Lancer?

Yes as long as you wear it under the mando collar. Your still gonna need the balaclava.

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Yes as long as you wear it under the mando collar. Your still gonna need the balaclava.

Thanks Tim! I think I'll stick with just my balaclava. No need to add a layer in this desert heat.

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Thanks Tim! I think I'll stick with just my balaclava. No need to add a layer in this desert heat.



Same here I'm not gonna wear one. It just the plain fact they were under the suits minus the one.

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So does that mean you can drop the balaclava and go with a neck seal? How about for Lancer?


No dropping the balaclava. And like I said, you may wear a neck seal as long as it is under the collar.

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