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I am new here and I would make a Biker Scout. I bought a Kit from ebay. It is a Casco Biker scout kit and I have any questions. At first, my knees are broken from the kit and I don't find new 501 approve knees? I would not get two from the USA. So I seek it in the EU. The next "problem" is that I don't find good gloves for my Scout? Anybody knows who I get good gloves?


Best regards,



PS: Sorry, I am from Germany and my english is realy bad :rolleyes:


Hi Lara and welcome to the BS.N forest! Your english is fine ma'am. If you haven't had the chance I would recommend that you get in contact with your local garrison which for you would be the German Garrison here: www.501st.de they will be able to help you locally source the parts you need as well as give you advice on the armor you have purchased. The gloves can be purchased from Wampa Wear here in the US. You will need a minimum of five posts to access the trade forum so take a look around and introduce yourself to the folks around here and please let us know if we can help you in any way.

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Ah thank you! In Germany the gloves aren't. But I think the german Garrison will help me! When I have another questions I know who! :)


Welcome to bs.n!


I would reach out to Strider. He's a member of the German garrison, the head of its Advance Recon Team and a member of the Armoury Team here on bikerscout.net



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Hi Lara,


welcome to the BSN! Please feel free to shoot me a PM so I can direct you to our German BSN outpost:)



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