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Retrofire's Pre-Approval Pics

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Congrats, Retro! Killer, killer build.


I had folks like you as examples Stasz! I couldn't have done it without the support of this amazing community of Scouts. This is indeed the best Detachment in the 501st!

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Approved! TB-91005 reporting to Endor as ordered. Many thanks to the many Pathfinders who helped me achieve this honor!
congrats and welcome to the Pathfinders, Retrofire!!
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congrats and welcome to the Pathfinders, Retrofire!!


Thanks Todd! I owe you one brother for giving me all the pointers on my build thread before I went for approval. My GML mentioned that this was one of the smoothest approvals he's had. I firmly believe that it was due to experienced Pathfinders like you who took the time to help a recruit out. I tip my bucket to you sir!

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Congrats on the approval! If you happen to replace your vest would you sell it? I could use one.


Cristian, Thanks very much. Yeah I'll be selling it here at some point. I'll PM you.


Congrats Retro. I've appreciated your advice as I've been doing my build too.


Thanks a lot Brian! Now it's you're turn mate! Let's get that armour done and approved Scout!

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looks great


Thanks Kris! Now it's your turn brother. I see that you're EIB/Centurion approved so I don't expect anything less than Lancer from you :duim:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, Everything looks great! Awesome Job!


Thanks Joe. This community is truly amazing and I'll bet that your build will be just as good if not better than mine.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not to resurrect an older thread or anything, but this is a super informative post for a newbie! And a great looking example, I might add.


Thanks Jonathan! Here's the location of my build thread: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=14946. If you go through it, and I recommend you go through several of them before you start, you can get an idea of why the build thread is important and the kind of great advice you get from the experienced Scouts during your build process. Look forward to your build Trooper!

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you for the compliments. I couldn't have done it without all the great support found here on BS.N and the talented folks who's build threads I referenced. Look forward to seeing your approvals as Pathfinders!

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