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What blasters are approved for 501st and Lancer?


For example, could I use an E-11, DC-15x, DLT-19x, etc?




Is it possible to make an E-11s and use it?


There are two flavors here. You have a canon and non-canon event. If it's a canon event only the hold out blaster can be carried. At a non-canon event you can carry usually whatever you want as long as your garrison CO/GML ok's it. We usually leave the E11s for the stormies so I haven't seen a Pathfinder carrying one in any pics (and it just doesn't look right IMO) but I have seen the DLT-19 carried and Hyperfirm even has a DLT-19 with scope for the Scouts. Some folks even take the Nerf guns and mod them and troop with them. Here's the thread for the Nerf mods: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=13852

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  On 4/29/2016 at 12:19 AM, Retrofire said:

There are two flavors here. You have a canon and non-canon event. If it's a canon event only the hold out blaster can be carried. At a non-canon event you can carry usually whatever you want as long as your garrison CO/GML ok's it. We usually leave the E11s for the stormies so I haven't seen a Pathfinder carrying one in any pics (and it just doesn't look right IMO) but I have seen the DLT-19 carried and Hyperfirm even has a DLT-19 with scope for the Scouts. Some folks even take the Nerf guns and mod them and troop with them. Here's the thread for the Nerf mods: http://forum.bikersc...showtopic=13852


Thank you! I may just mod a nerf gun.. I have plenty of those..


Approved? Scout holdout blaster


Everything else depends on other things.

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  On 4/29/2016 at 12:29 AM, BikerScout007 said:

Approved? Scout holdout blaster


Everything else depends on other things.


Alrighty, I was just curious cause of all the weapon topics of people making rifles.

I also remember years ago (My first experience with 501st) there was a Boba Fett with a modded nerf gun.


As long as the event isn't cannon and the XO, CO, etc says its ok I could use a modded rifle?

More or less it's be something to tie me over until I get my kit.. lol


As a detachment, we can only advise you in the building of your costume. The day-to-day rules of trooping are going to be covered by your Garrison leadership.


The only weapon that meets the standards of basic approval at this time is the Scout Holdout blaster.

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ace4de88ac4290b91b8ef840914c2267.pngMine isn't how you say legal. Lol. I ordered a 3d printed pistol from a guy on etsy. It was only $60 and I was able to make some "illegal" modifications to it. From my understanding, the scope shouldn't be useable. This came hollowed out with a crosshairs inside the scope. I took apart some toy binoculars and glued the big and small lenses to it. For the rim on the back, I painted a rubber band and glued it over the seam between the lens and scope. I ran it past my co and he loved it and said he didn't mind if I trooped with it. As mentioned above, some troop with nerf guns. Though my understanding is with certain modifications, a nerf gun is fine. The metal I used for my magnet in my holster has to be glossy with lacquer instead of just paint because it tends to get stuck for some reason. 9cf5ffd872930577a9a356e41331e0a0.png


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