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Attention - New Lancer Added to the Ranks


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It is with great pleasure that I can announce that Jacqueline Lau (TB-26463) callsign Hyraxe has achieved the level of Lancer.



A really tricky build to complete this one, considering Jacqueline is a fully fledged member of the UKG's "Bonsai Squad".


Practically every single part of her armour had to be in some way trimmed or shaped to suit and she managed this single handedly.


A truly noteworthy effort which shows that no matter what, everyone is capable of turning out a superb looking Scout.


I'm doubly pleased because that's another UK Garrison Lancer on the rosters.


Well done!



Please feel free to peruse her submission here.




Now get back to work!

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Congrats! Make us proud

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Thanks Chef, it means a lot to have you making the announcements.


Wouldn't have been possible if not for your help, Marcel's, and the many WIPs and Lancer submission threads that came before me...


And thank you all, proud to be a Scout!


Now for my next project: DC-15x. ^_^

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