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NinjaScout Pre-Clearance Pics


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A minor nit but the left rear buckel looks too low. I think it needs to be moved more towards the center of the webbing. It looks great!


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Look forward to seeing the GML approval message! Great work!


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Looking good trooper! A few comments: raise your drop boxes about 1" and lower your forearms. They should overlap he gloves slightly.


I was purposely trying to avoid overlap. Good to know. Do they go over the glove or inside?

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I was purposely trying to avoid overlap. Good to know. Do they go over the glove or inside?


Yep, overlap the outside. And dirty? That will come naturally as you troop! ;)

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You could probably turn your shoulder bells toward your front just a touch. This is one of those things you'll tweak every time you suit up. They're more to your back in the pictures. And although it's not required, slightly shaping the bells and rounding the corners on the bells looks really sharp! Check out Panda's build for a reference if you're interested in doing that:




Great looking Scout, though. Well done!


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If you're willing to share, I'd be curious what the critiques were from your GML.


"Picky" GMLs are definitely NOT a bad thing. We do represent the Glorious Empire after all :)

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I don't mind the critique. I want to be the best scout I can be and I expect to have to be as close to perfect as possible each time out for the Empire! (But I do want to be done so I can start another project)


I'll summarize the corrections.

1. Cummerbund was showing a bit below the belt.

2. Cod needs to be tucked better (but no cameltoe) and crotch seems a little long/baggy

3. Forearms lower and over the glove - (same as I have heard here)

4. Pouches seem sloppy - press and hang better

5. Round shoulder bell more than I did already (I'll do the PandatTooper 1.75 diameter round as suggested)


Essentially I need to learn to wear the suit better is the main gist.

Also need to work the lexan scissors one last time.


Might go ahead and do the chin cup today also if I find my left over elastic.


Thanks for the tips, everyone. I appreciate them.

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Other then the cod still looking a tad loose, I didn't really see a reason for tou to not get approved the first time. If the Florida GML denies again, please let me know.

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I was asked to put in my 501st app yesterday. While I don't have official word I think that is a good sign. Right?


I still may re-make the cod at some point. I have the strap connecting to the back of the cod now with Velcro. Do I just make it tighter?

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You need to find a balance between thight and too tight as the did will roll over and look like a thong. In think in going to go with a plastic insert like Pandatrooper and some other scouts have to avoid this problem.


Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk



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