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I just got a notification from Jeff that my SC armor is on the way (WOOT!) so at long last I begin my build thread. I figure the best place to start is with my tool setup. I just need a few more bits of elastic to round out my kit.



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Looks like you are way more prepared than I ever was. I just constantly ran back and forth between my place and JoAnn Fabric every time I realized I needed something else. Good luck!

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Thanks Micky! I have to say that I am more prepared because of those that have gone before me. Spending time in the forum and learning all I can has helped me in ways I can't express. I've had a lot of great Pathfinder mentors and without them I wouldn't have the confidence I have to to take on this build. Many thanks to folks like Stasz, Griffin-X, Dart, Forest Patrol, Wookievader, 4505Marcel, Chef, and so many others who helped me along this route to be one of the best in the Empire. "Pathfinders...Sequi Me!"


If you're new to BSN I want to encourage you to dig in and learn all you can and ask questions get involved in the boards and your local garrison. Download the CRL and defer to it and ask the Detachment leaders if you have questions. These folks are here to help and have a ton of freakin knowledge and can take a lot of the frustration out of the process. If you want to be one of the Empire's best who even Stormtroopers follow then this is the place.


Awww yeah! Looking forward to this build. Also the tank topper came! Thanks!

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First up are the greeblies for the TD and T-Bits. I got two Don Jarr sets for both...and ended up modifying both.


The snout is from one of our own (DVH) and will be replacing the snout on my Altmann's when it comes in. Along with replacing the traps and nosebridge with a Trooperbay set. But that is for later....


The Don Jarr Greeblies are really nice but the T-Bits are not fully correct. If you look at screen grabs of the bicep armor you'll notice that the lower part of the "T" is smooth except for the two small screws (top/bottom). The vertical part of DJ T-bit greeblie has a notch on one side that has three additional parts that are not seen on screen and are IMO not correct. My plan here is to use the top portion of the DJ T-bit and the lower portion of the SC T-bit with modifications that Pandatrooper made to get it closer to the screen used sets. For the TD greeblie I snagged an Endor Rebel badge and cut it in half. If anyone needs the remaining part for a Rebel build PM me and I'll send it off to you (and I'll send your name to the Pathfinder Sniper Squad you traitorous Rebel Scum:)


I washed the parts to clear them of any residue and painted them satin black.


Awww yeah! Looking forward to this build. Also the tank topper came! Thanks!


That's awesome Pac! Hope it works for you. Looking forward to this for awhile now. Appreciate any insight you or any of my fellow Pathfinders have.


Well, my armor is in Dallas and I'm in New Mexico so it's finally getting closer. I pulled out my set of Chef's laser cut TD clips cleaned them up and gave them a coat of satin black. If you haven't got a set head over to the trade forum and make sure you get your name in for some.


The BBB day has finally arrived! I was working in the backyard when I saw the postman pull up and nearly tripped over myself to get to the door. Sure enough it was a package from Jeff at SC. I don't think I ever busted out my chores that fast and I'm finally sitting down to go through my armor.


It was really well packed and wrapped. I'm really pleased with how everything arrived and I'm going through the list to ensure everything is present.


Everything just looks great and I'm excited to get started on this build.


I noticed the returns on the knees that Pandatrooper talked about in his build and they really look great. I was surprised to find that SC has also included a return in the forearm armor now as well.



Yep, I started an updated SC thread somewhere with those same notations. And different pipe now among other small tweaks. He's listening ;)


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Looks like I just have to do the returns on the chest and back armor. I'll post a pic of the new pipe as that was a nice update. I'm really happy with this set!


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I did a dry fit of the holster to my boot and found that it is way too large and actually ends up overlapping my velcro on the back of my boot. So I'm going to trim it up by taking 1/2" off of each side and 5/8" off of the top and bottom and refit. In all the frame grabs I've seen and pics of other TBs it doesn't seem as if the holster is consistent but maybe a case of "what works best". Does this seem like a good plan or is there a good reference I can review? Appreciate any insight here. Thanks!

Current Holster:


Proposed cut lines:



I spotted in the ArmyScout boot thread he trimmed some off his. I've not made such mods as yet (or sized it up for that matter) as I've not completed my calves.


Reminds me, I must fit my left before copying the right pattern. No dobut got different size muscles poking out


Watch your usage of elastic too. If you follow CRLs they differ from the instructions - you'll find yourself needing more 1" if like me. As you swap a couple around.


Similarly, don't go too nuts cutting the side/back slots - seems 1 3/4 is the norm, not 2" like it has on paper. So mine are now too wide (made to fit the 2" elastic like it has!!)


I flushed up the left overhang (facing it) on my chest, as youll see it drops lower than the right. As a result the front/rear alignment may not be as equal.


And watch sizing off the arm opening.. take a measure to them and see if yours differ as much as mine :) the mould seems to have a bit of a twist

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Thanks Craig. I think I'll go over and take a look at the thread. I picked up several lengths of 1" elastic so I have plenty to go around but it's a good thing to keep in mind. That's a good reminder about the side/back slots too. I want to go for Lancer at some point so I need to keep those around 1.5" to 1.75" for the cotton webbing. I'm not quite to the front and back armor but I'm sure I'll have to modify them for my size since I have a much smaller build. I decided to invest in a heat gun to form the armor to my frame a little better. Thanks for the insights and I look forward to seeing your pre-approval pics!


I'm a bit scared to do them. After the reality of not making our biggest event of the year I threw in the towel early the night before and not yet re-visted.. Much like the fear I have of being picked on with approval photos despite how picky I have been on myself :)


Now I'm more functional to be able to, boot thread here



I've reviewed the boot thread and I'm going to go ahead with my cuts and add the corners. Thanks for pointing that out.


You're not the only one who's a bit hesitant to hit armor with a heat gun. I'm going to hit the shoulder bells first and see how that works out. If I melt them into slag I can get another set from SC ;) . I've learned that skill comes by doing so I have to start somewhere. We're all picky or we wouldn't be Pathfinders. There's something about being part of this Detachment that makes you want to have an awesome looking rig. Post those pre-approvals trooper and get your TB designation you've earned it!


After measuring several times I went ahead with the cuts. I also cut radii into each of the holster corners.


The fit to my boot is just about perfect and the holster sits back from the top and back closure really well.


I also completed my TD. I was really happy with how everything fit together. I used some plastic weld on the bottom of the belt loops on the back portion of the TD to secure it better to the assembly. I really like how SC has been listening to the folks on BSN and you can tell with the returns on the forearm armor and the new TD pipe color.


The DJ greeblie is also installed and I think it looks better than the larger SC greeblie that came with the kit.


I also installed the first part of the bicep armor greeblie. I'm modifying the vertical portion of the T-bit as Pandatrooper did so I'm going to add material to the back, apply some filler and paint.



I did a dry fit with the tank and the back armor and cleaned up and sanded the edges to get a better fit. I installed the tank topper and the decals.




Up next are my knees and shoulder armor...stay tuned and as always I welcome and insight you might have.


Already ripping ahead on what has taken me WEEKs.


Of course I added my stripes post assembly, which means no wrapping behind the already attached tank :( fail.


Notice the shape of the bottom of the tank, I trimmed my left side up to be more symmetrical.


I also curved my top edge - the downside is, the hole (yours is centre.. lucky! I have 2 after redrill) is in line with the form on the back armour right where Pandas L bracket sits! So my rivet buldge hits the slot I had to cut to fit the L through and not nicely flush. Hard to explain, but my L doesnt sit like an L, it won't. It sticks out 10mm toward my back unless I heat/shape/glue at risk of melting the backplate armour up


Already ripping ahead on what has taken me WEEKs.


Of course I added my stripes post assembly, which means no wrapping behind the already attached tank :( fail.


Notice the shape of the bottom of the tank, I trimmed my left side up to be more symmetrical.


I also curved my top edge - the downside is, the hole (yours is centre.. lucky! I have 2 after redrill) is in line with the form on the back armour right where Pandas L bracket sits! So my rivet buldge hits the slot I had to cut to fit the L through and not nicely flush. Hard to explain, but my L doesnt sit like an L, it won't. It sticks out 10mm toward my back unless I heat/shape/glue at risk of melting the backplate armour up


Not at all Craig. I'm spending a lot of time sanding and thinking about the next step in the process and doing everything I can not to mess up my armor. I'm saving the front/back armor and the belt for last so I can spend more time studying just how I'm going to make it work. Heck you had the courage to trim your tank and I'm not touching mine. It actually fit to the back armor pretty well and you can only tell it's off center if you look directly underneath it. I sanded and scraped the top and sides to lay as flush as I can get to the back. Pandatrooper isn't the only fussy one with their build :lol:.


I don't think not getting the stripes behind the tank is a fail at all. If they sit flush to the edge that's all you need and that's all that's going to show on my tank too. Regarding your L bracket I assume you mean that it sticks out from the inside towards your back? I would think that as long as it doesn't cause any undue stress on the connection that your vest will keep it from being a problem. Keep on building!


Tonight I worked on the knees and the shoulders. I sanded down the edges of the knees and cut and sanded some shims to add for the top strap of the knee assembly (yes, I want to go from Lancer at some point). The shims were glued in using plastic weld to reinforce the joint when I attach the elastic.



The shoulder armor was not exactly square so I measured and set lines to square up the bottom and cut them using my trusty lexan scissors. If you don't have a pair go out and get one they are invaluable! I then moved on to trimming them a la Pandatrooper. I measured up from the bottom 4.5" (11.43cm) and 0.5" (1.27cm) from each side and drew my guidelines. I then used a 1.75" (4.45cm) circle guide to layout the curves at the bottom of the armor pieces.



After cutting and sanding I was real happy with how they came out.


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I spent some time working on the beginnings of my belt assembly. I marked off the areas to trim out for the side box webbing and drilled pilot holes.


From there I set three more holes for a total of five and used my lexan scissors to trim out the rest. from there I used my small flat and round files to clean up and shape the openings. Finally I went over everything with 400 grit sandpaper to get the finish I wanted.


Then I used some scrap plastic and made two snap plates and installed them.


Next I plan on working on the two belt boxes using Pandatroopers method to make it all one piece as well as make the cuts for the lower side boxes for the cotton webbing.


Not making my progress speed feel any better lol ;)


I went even further with checking the squareness of the shoulders by marking where the actual centre line should have been. However didn't bother trying to square them in fear of boobing it up. So if you look REAL close, theyre about 5mm longer on the left edge. Seems to be his mould is skewed there too.


Not making my progress speed feel any better lol ;)


I went even further with checking the squareness of the shoulders by marking where the actual centre line should have been. However didn't bother trying to square them in fear of boobing it up. So if you look REAL close, theyre about 5mm longer on the left edge. Seems to be his mould is skewed there too.


It doesn't really feel that way to me. I feel like I am moving slow and that's ok. Although I'm very excited to have my armor built I didn't want to just "slap" it together I really wanted to craft it to fit me and look as best as I can make it. It's almost like earning the right to called Pathfinder by building your armor like a Jedi building their lightsaber :obiwan: .


It wasn't until I set the shoulders upright on a level surface that I really noticed the "lean". I took some measurements and used my trusty masking tape to set the level line and trimmed them then did the side cuts. You're right though they both were around 5-6mm off on one side. If I'm picking nits I also noticed that the right box on the main belt (as you're wearing it) is also low by 5-6mm on one side. I guess it's just my OCD wanting the belt boxes to be perfectly level :lol:. You can always go back and trim up your shoulders if you want and if you take it a few small cuts at a time I think there is little risk of "boobing" it up. You can always go to the "ask an armorer" forum too and ask questions. You'll get responses from Pathfinders way more experienced and they can give you the hint and tips to do any task!


I'm equally being as ocd :) everything is sanded 3 times using different grade paper to make it baby butt smooth heh. I did make a couple of questions in the forums, but felt it too imposing so moved to asking in my own build thread


Wrong time, around elections and I think timezone has hindered some things. I have to ask, wait overnight, get reply and have while day of work before being able to make a move. So often had a day or 2 of no progress.


Now I rely on prior acceptance comments and picture as guides while I contemplate how to mount the webbing to back of the belt and drop box levels


I even made my webbing cuts in those (dropbox) curved so it remained within the indent bounding while allowing the full width to be run through without bunching.. Over thinking :)


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