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New guy from Luxembourg ^^


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Hello 501st Pathfinders / Bikerscouts,


I am new here and I want to introduce myself a litte bit :-)


I come from Luxembourg (Europe) and I want to join the new 501st Outpost in my Country.


My twin Brother and I decided to be Scouts ^^


Our love to the SW universe started when we were litte childs (8 years old) and our father looked with us ANH ESB and ROTJ. WE LOVE IT :-)


And know, with 25 years, we wanted to make our dream becoming true. "Be a member of the Empire"




And know we decided to collect every day more Informations to make our dream becoming true. The only Problem we do have, we aren't very good in building things :unsure:.


(sorry for some Errors but english isn't my best language :rolleyes: )




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I have my first question :rolleyes:


Can I have as a scout an E11 too ? Or can I only have the Scout Blaster ( Holdoutblaster) and sniper Rifle ?


(I like E 11 ^_^ )



Edit - I just found the weapon thread :lol:

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Hi ya Daniel and Welcome.


I have used a E11 for the non cannon troops, kids love it.

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Although the Holdout blaster is the only approved blaster, you can carry what you like at non-canon events. However, it's also based on your local Garrison's policies and procedures. Best to check with your local Garrison Membership Liaison (GML).

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