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New scout in the works!


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Hello everyone! im from the portland Oregon area i am not new to costuming i am part of the mandalorian mercs and working on getting a realistic capt rex completed but i also want to build a scout. Scouts have always held a special place in my heart since seeing them on the big screen as a kid loved there armor and the speeder bikes wow!!! anyways i was wondering if anyone has heard of a scout imperial sharpshooter or sniper trooper? they are supposed to be part of the scouts but there are no real pics or references that i can find. Is there anyone that might know the whole scoop? thank you

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There was nothing 'canon' in the film, but there is plenty of supplementary evidence of a 'canon' (i.e. licensed and released by Disney/LFL and it's subsidiaries) to support them.


New Battlefront Game.



Old Battlefront Game. (??)



SideShow Model




Plus a million other bits of artwork... I've got loads.

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So these are the ones im wondering about.:



Those are snow scouts, with a super cool sniper rifle. Most likely based on fan art or a new fan art piece. Chef and Navajo Bro on this forum were some of the first guys to research and build this costume and corresponding CRL. However, that costume belongs to the Blizzard Force detachment.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The snow scouts pictured above are more clone than scout (only thing that isn't clone armour is the bucket).

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Not a big fan of the snow scout, and it drives me nuts how little consistency there is with it from source to source.

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