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I'm new to trooping trying to decide between ROTJ Boba Fett, scout trooper or a shadow scout for my fist build. The Fett seems to be easier from scratch with Sinatra but the scout kit seems to be easier from a kit. Any thoughts? I plan on eventually doing all 3which should I start with and why?

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I'm new to trooping trying to decide between ROTJ Boba Fett, scout trooper or a shadow scout for my fist build. The Fett seems to be easier from scratch with Sinatra but the scout kit seems to be easier from a kit. Any thoughts? I plan on eventually doing all 3which should I start with and why?


Well, since you are here on BSN - the scout! :D


Boba Fett is awesome, but he's a "face character". Meaning, there is usually only (1) Boba Fett per event. Whereas, the scouts can be there in MASS. We're Stormtroopers, just specialized recon troopers. Plus, we're cool. ;)

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I'm new too and I picked the Scout not only because they're my favorite, but luckily enough they are one of the most functional builds (mobility, more comfortable boots, better helmet sight, CAN SIT DOWN!!). I agree with Jim, scouts are awesome but it may be a great starting point if you've never done this before. I would go 1.Regular Scout to get my feet wet 2. Shadow Scout to use your improved skills and fix things you might have missed on your first build 3. Boba Fett since that build will have much more details for certification. Here's to us both being Pathfinders one day :)

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To be honest, the Fett isn't *quite* as simple as you might think. As mentioned above, it's a "face character", so it's under even more intense scrutiny. Sintra parts might not cut it.


Either way, I wish you the best of luck in your builds!

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Hi Joel, and welcome.

I'd love to have a Boba Fett costume, but it didn't take too much research to realise it's not a simple one. Also, if there was already one locally I'd not get to use it so often (how do Garrisons decide who troops as Vader? I'm imagining light sabre duels to pick a winner) - so for my first costume I went with the Scout.


Good luck with whichever you go with.

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Hi Joel, and welcome.

I'd love to have a Boba Fett costume, but it didn't take too much research to realise it's not a simple one. Also, if there was already one locally I'd not get to use it so often (how do Garrisons decide who troops as Vader? I'm imagining light sabre duels to pick a winner) - so for my first costume I went with the Scout.


Good luck with whichever you go with.

we have six or seven vaders in BAG. Normally its the first one to commit to the troop. Boba is a hard build. We have four and i watched two fight to get weathering and wookiee braids right. Not an easy build but a great costume. And its the same with Boba, first come first serve.
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I'm new to trooping trying to decide between ROTJ Boba Fett, scout trooper or a shadow scout for my fist build. The Fett seems to be easier from scratch with Sinatra but the scout kit seems to be easier from a kit. Any thoughts? I plan on eventually doing all 3which should I start with and why?


Joel, I hope your question has been answered. I know you also posted this same question on Spec Ops (I manage that site too and I'm a shadow scout). If you have any other questions, or thoughts, please let us all know. We're a great community of like-minded scouts! ;)

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I have a scout and am in the process of building a Supertrooper Fett. The scout is wayyyyyy easier than the Fett. I bought my scout kit ( SC) and have been sourcing most of my Fett parts. I do have to build the receiver for the one Gun and assemble both. I thought I would save money by not having to have the Regular Fett paint work. Scout I am under $2 k with learning how to do stuff and 2 helmets and 2 blasters. I am over $4k ( prob closer to $5k ) with the Fett and that doesn't include any paint work. The ease of building a Fett depends on how accurate you want it to be compared to a scout where you only have so many variables.


As frustrating as both can be it is still an awesome hobby and when you get it right it feels good to get compliments on your build!!

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