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My MLC armor


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Looks good trooper. Nothing really glaring jumping out. Might just want to make sure everything is neat and tidy before taking submission photos

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Lancer is all about getting those small details right that make your build look really polished. Like I said earlier, for basic you should be good. But Lancer:


1) Do you have the boot soles cut like the film scouts?

2) Did you add the extra rivets and straps to the knee armor?

3) Your drop boxes need to be leveled off, they are uneven on the sides

4) Your cummerbund looks too long. It should not stick out from under the belt. On the other hand, your belt looks like you are wearing it kind of low (perhaps to cover up the length of the bund). But this is a common issue with the one piece bund/codpiece.

5) You want to make sure when you take Lancer pics that your bicep armor is actually on your bicep and turned more forward (yours is facing the back) and that your forearm armor doesn't sit so low. Some scouts use velcro to keep it in place.


Hope this helps!

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  • 1 month later...

Looks good. One thing that could be improved is the width of the tapered cod piece. It looks a little wide at the bottom, but this maybe due to the overall cummerbund being slightly long or riding too low.

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Thank you very much for your comment. Could you please be a little more explicit ? English is not my native langage and I miss many words you used. I tried with google traduction but the result is you're speaking of a fish riding a horse...

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