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After months of lurking and asking questions its time to start my own build thread.


Today is also brown box day. These TB boxes aren't that large but its exciting just the same. The real shame is that today was an armor party with my local squad. The armor that was supposed to arrive yesterday was waiting for me when I got home. So rather than armor I worked on boots instead.


Anyway on with the show:

Handy that the SC Armor comes with a part checklist:



Armor in all its glory:



More in the next post.


My lovely wife took on the assignment of making the cummerbund and the cod.


Here are some of the WIP of those:





Found the duck cloth at Joanns. I got exactly a yard and I am not sure I have enough left for pouches. I will need to make another run to complete the task. At least I know where it is now or where it is supposed to be.


Bucket arrived yesterday.


Altmann with new snout, new light gray stickers, and new light gray visor bolts.

I can do a few more pictures tonight if anyone is interested in seeing more.




Its currently naked on the inside so I need to figure out what to do for padding to get the fit right. Have another thread in the 'Helmet' forum for that.

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Some progress today. Worked on boots.

Before heat gun and stretching:



After round 1 of stretching. Looks much better.



Did 2 more rounds then glued. Curing overnight. I will post photos tomorrow.


Trimmed the boots after glue.



Boots after finishing strips added:



Also spent some time on the suit. Seam ripped all the pockets as required.




Boot toppers are next. Queueing up all the sewing. T-Strap assemblies and boot topper velcro are coming up.


Your overalls are at the same stage as me. Pile of pockets is familiar after the weekend. Except I removed the collar completely, and will throw in a pocket extension and stick it back on at a better height rather than try and mod while on - wasn't stuck on very straight in mexico anyway if I'm honest.


Await to see your success in requirement or taking legs/arms in


You guys are lucky with your 'duck cloth' selection. Here it comes in ever colour, as long as its tan/sacking.


Instead I opted for white Cotton drill, very similar makeup and unless closely inspected hopefully passable. And thick calico (more canvas looking) for the pocketing material as will dye up differently to drill.


Whats your intention for the cod/bund. I see a number of people opting for 1-piece or 2-piece but interested in the various method outcomes (velcro v dome)


So far my cod and cummerbund are 2 pieces. When everything fits together properly I intend to sew them together to make a single piece. I do have a completed cod at the moment but I saw what pandatrooper did and I may scrap what I have and re-do it.


Skipped a few steps but I have scout boots now!



Test fit and still able to tie shoes and walk in them effectively with pants tucked in the top. For the holster I am considering fake rivets and industrial velcro to hold it. With the LFL coming down on blasters it may be handy to be able to remove the empty holster as needed for no-weapon troops.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Back to work...


I went with this set of helmet pads to line the Altmann helmet. I put them in place with blue painters tape to set the positioning then dropped the included Velcro dots in the right place to get the pads to stay. Pretty straightforward process.



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