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KS chest piece is a tad different

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I have a KS kit, but have replaced most of the parts. The chest/back are still KS (along with the knees, biceps, forearms, and belt). Everything else is either too large or poorly shaped. Yes, the KS chest is different than the SC. I'm assuming your comparison scouts are wearing SC. The rectangle is smaller and the overall shape is different, but not too bad. The lower front chest section is more accurate.


I got mine in 2011 and it's still shiny white. Another scout recently reported his KS kit had a purple hue. It sounds like they started using a newer plastic. Got pics?

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From what some armor makers have told me, different batches of even the same plastic may be off in color, its apparently never an exact macth which is why sometimes we see slight color changes. I think its more expensive to have it done in a pure white.


But that said, yea you can paint it. The movie armor was painted so it'll be more accurate technically lol

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Sometimes, batches of plastic will have a colder, blueish hue, others will have a warmer, pinkish hue. That's nothing new. If you have to paint it, go for it.

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