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far away creations armor kit and painting helmet.

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I am considering on buying my kit from either far away creations or studio creations I am trying to find the pros and cons of each

The vendor I am buying my bucket from is creating it out of fiberglass and indicated it doesn't come painted. What kind of paint do I use on fiberglass?

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Well FAC is at least a 6 month plus wait. Sc is about 2 weeks. Faraway is MC. The armor is more accurate than the SC,but SC is super nice. I use a mix of SC and MC.


The helmet I would use rustolem acrylic enamel. That's the brand that is primed with. Dig around the board and you can get a abs helmet already painted a nice gloss white. Seek Spike here on the boards.

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As a recent purchaser of SC goods I can attest to their wicked customer service and speed. The armor itself is super maliable and easy to work with. And asln as you take your time and research like crazy ( and bug a couple people in private messages) it can be completed quite easily.

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I am going on 16 months waiting for my armor from FAC (aka MC). Unless you don't mind waiting until 2017 (and I am not exaggerating) to get your kit. MC is the most screen accurate and he gives you all of the parts you need, however. But it's really up to you. I am most likely going to receive my kit in the next few weeks and I will be very happy when I get it I am assured. Although it takes a long time a lot of folks are saying it is worth the long wait.

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Is it easier to get Lancer status with Far away creations than it is with studio creations?

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You can get Lancer with SC... Who are you getting your helmet from. And as everyone else says MC is nice but if you can't actually get it what good is it? SC stuff is nice and honestly unless another Scout is judging you most people won't even notice the " imperfections". I have SC stuff and love it since it hasn't turned yellow and I can actually wear it vs bragging about how accurate it will be in 2 years when another armor may get here.



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I will let you know what happens with Christians lid. Like I said in the forum I give people the benefit of the doubt. He seems pretty legit. Its just hard trying to have a successful business when it is only you. I know this from personal experience.

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I will let you know what happens with Christians lid. Like I said in the forum I give people the benefit of the doubt. He seems pretty legit. Its just hard trying to have a successful business when it is only you. I know this from personal experience.


That's understandable and commendable of you. But there is a LONG history of issues with that seller. You read about it and chose to go down that road. Please keep us posted, but it's not the best course to take.

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Jakeputt- normally I would agree with you- people get jammed up in real life stuff and it can interfere with what products they supply- it is worse with Boba Fett parts as I am finding out- but they are very open about it. With this vendor I can speak from personal experience that he isn't always honest and here are a LOT of people here who have paid and have no product. For the same money and work you could have an Altmanns done and on your head in wayyyyyy less time. I hope it goes well for you but there is a reason he is the only vendor in the problem vendor list. None of the stuff I bought from him fit and it took longer than it should which everyone blames on customs - which is not the case and easily proved when there are dates on the package.

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  • 1 month later...

I have a KS bucket and quite happy for now (aside from me having to repaint it)

What did you use to paint your bucket?

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  • 1 month later...

Where did you get your buckets from and would it work for a guy with a big head? I'm also looking for lancer status as well.

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