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what exactly needs to be done to it to get 501st approval? I was going to order pre built just because I am out of time these days....but am I going to have to just take it apart to do whatever these mods are im reading about? Is there details or a video on how to do that?



  • 4 years later...
19 minutes ago, jonny.walker86 said:

Hey Chris......would you be able to pass along the info you got to get your KS bucket approvable?   Thanks


Hey dude,

A properly constructed KS helmet is absolutely approvable. You can see a build tutorial on youtube in the link below.

The only items I would change from the build video is to not use stickers for the snout details, glue the helmet parts together instead of using 3M tape, and use the proper 3M bolts to secure the visor to the dome, instead of rivets.


  • Like 2

Thanks for your quick response.....I really appreciate it.  I wasn't sure about filling in the seems or not.  Thanks again....and stay frosty out there my friend.



Hey Guys.

Would it be possible to know what the proper 3m bolts are that are referred to above?

I wasn't sure about the 3M tape also. I was going to use the E6000 and magnets to keep it in place until it dries. Is that the way to go?




You can order the bolts here: http://forum.501stpathfinders.com/index.php?/topic/10270-fs-accurate-tb-helmet-hardware-kit-headband-kit/

I wouldn't use the 3M tape. I wouldn't use E6000 either -- I'd use either Devcon plastic weld, or ABS cement for your gluing. As you said, get everything set up with magnets + tape first, then glue, b/c it's not going anywhere after that stuff dries!


ok. i actually managed to recently find some devcon in canada. Wasn't easy. 

I thought the idea of the tape was interesting in case of mistakes. Is there a reason you wouldn't recommend using it? 


I'm sure 3M tape is fine for a temporary fix, but I prefer something a little more durable than just adhesive to hold my helmet together.

Of the two adhesives I mentioned, I would've thought that most hardware stores in Canada would have ABS cement in the plumbing section? If not, I apologize. Oatey is the brand that's commonly used in the US. Not sure what's typical in Canada though.


they do. They just don't have that brand. But i found a company in BC that did and ordered 3 tubes just to be safe. I always prefer using the exact brands others have used as it is proven to work. Thanks for the info

  • Like 1

Devcon can be tricky to find up here. Some places will sell it, others won't. Oatey is widely available here at Home Despot.

  • Thanks 1

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