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5ft1" trooper at the edge.


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Hello my friends, I'm Daniel IC11996 of the Malaysian Outpost. My first love was the biker scout but unfortunately as a student I never got that started. I went slowly to complete an IC and was contemplating between a Gunner and a Tie but here I am. Back in the woods of Endor hunting for ewoks. Would anyone guide a 5ft1 50-60kg brother here. I'm on a tight budget being a student hopefully you understand my situation.

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Welcome and you've come to the right place. There are so many here that are ready and willing to help. Start learning all you can about the various parts. Since you're a 501st member you know about the CRLs already so I would recommend that you give the Scout CRL a read over then start diving into the board threads and learn more. Feel free to ask questions that's what everyone is here for. Best you!

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