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Scout Blaster on Hole in the Ground Productions

Kyuzo Larkin

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I wondered what the thoughts were on this? And if I should stay away from it and figure out a different option?




I definitely want something that's 501st worthy and under 100 dollars but I don't know if I can have my cake and eat it too, so to speak.

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Well, it looks about right. I can't say anything about the maker but this is a solid resin blaster. It'll probably be a bit on the heavy side but it'll also be on the fragile side. I've never been a huge fan of all resin blasters, simply because of that.


That said, it's up to you. Spending a bit more for a Hyperfirm or similar scout blaster is well worth the price and it'll last much longer without much chance of breaking.

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I have a HiTG and I'm really happy with it. It's a little on the heavy side and I did have a couple very small bubbles right near the emitter, but an easy fix.


Eric was great with communication. Mine took a little long to ship, as he was redoing his mold and had a couple conventions at the same time, but he was upfront about it. Nothing I wasn't expecting. Decent price too.


I did a silver primer and then matte black so it shows some realistic weathering now that I've trooped with it and it's been knocked around.




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Hyperfirm is on Facebook:



And Darth Voorhees does sweet rubber blasters, though I'm not sure if he has a run happening now.

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Guest Forrest Patrol

The KS blaster is polyurethane (rigid rubber) so it hasn't broken after falling out of the holster several times.

The holster isn't a very practical design IMHO (unless mine is just a little to tight to allow the blaster to sit properly) and the rubber blaster is very heavy so it tends to fall out a lot.


I'm not suggesting that you get a KS blaster, but get a rubber unbreakable one rather than a solid one because the tip will most likely break off eventually.

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A review that includes the UGP blaster. You can read the whole thing here - > http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=10612&hl=&fromsearch=1


Here is a shot of the UGP next to a Sci-Fire (HFX). You can see it's a little smaller than the HFX.



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I would hold out for the Hyperfirm if you can, I know the price is a bit more... but its very lightweight compared to resin and considering that these go holstered in the boot the heaviness "can" cause boot sagging.... there are ways around that, but why bother when you can just get a lighter blaster? :)

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I had a resin blaster and my hyperfirm with me all last weekend. Second day the resin one stayed in the car. The hyperfirm is just light and " regular" people can't tell the difference. Plus when I let little kids hold it I had zero worries of them breaking it like others had to ...DVH also sells a rubber one that is nice.


Here is the hyperfirm link http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=14084&pid=125056&st=0entry125056

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I have a rubber Kenner recast and just got one of the Hole in the Ground blasters. I know all the disadvantages of a resin blaster, but I needed something quick and the price point was low enough to justify it. I plan on installing magnets in it at some point to help it from slipping out of the holster and breaking. Some day I will invest in a hyperfirm (and build up a blaster collection in the process, lol), but it is not something I can hold out for... I suppose it depends on your timeframe. If you want a blaster pretty quickly, and easier on the budget, I would say go for it. I have a few friends that use them, and that's how I found them, so they came recommended.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm honestly surprised I haven't seen some plans for a 3d printed blaster that people have tweaked out to be perfect. Wouldn't that be a good option to just pay a 3d printer place to create it for you off the plans?

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