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After a lot of trimming and fitting-so to not over trim. And checking,double checking and triple checking on how it will all fit together, I got the visor and face glued together. Unfortunately i got a stress crack(an easy fix) in the visor while heating and shaping it to the face better. I still need to bondo the seams and sand the whole thing,trim the ears,lens area before priming. I may even trim more around the visor's perimeter. I'm taking my time because this is such a nice helmet and i feel it deserves the extra care and respect to build what LW has created for us. I think its coming along nicely. Had a little trouble with getting the visor and face fitting together but its all good now.




Feedback welcome!


  • Like 3



Man, those LW helmets are sweet. My only critique is that when viewing the helmet straight on the "ears" should be more visible. That said, I wish I could get my hands on one!


Looking good! I agree, I would take a touch more off the inside of the visor perimeter, and a hair off the top of the lens opening.


These lids are soooo sweet. They deserve a slow and steady hand. Nice work, Man!


Someday, an LW will be mine. Oh, yes.

  • 8 months later...

Okay, its been a long while since I started working on my LW helmet. I pretty much had it put together but wasn't happy with the way I built it. The visor didn't look quite right to me so I carefully pulled it apart ,repositioned it and widened it. I think it looks better now. Pic coming!

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