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Where can I get armor?


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Hey guys I am new with the 501st and having a hard time finding approved armor for sale. I am 5'1 Female with size 6 boots. I am starting from scratch and not used to plasic armor since I work with metal. Could use some help.





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Welcome to the boards Sundi! When you say "Approved Armor" do you mean you're looking for someone's old kit that they are trying to get rid of... or are you looking for an armor kit that you an put together that is approve-able?


If it is the first... you may have some luck here, but the Legion boards might also be good place to look as well. If it is the latter, then there are several armor makers that you can contact and start the process with.

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Guest Forrest Patrol

Hello, welcome :)


I have KS armour and would be willing to sell hard parts but even I wouldn't recommend KS (apart from the helmet).


You would be better off with SC for body armour and the helmet depends on size.

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You'll probably want to start off with a new kit then, this will give you the opportunity to trim size up your armor to fit you. I know there are several shorter ladies on the board that have built scouts, not 100% sure what kits they went with... it's likely StudiosCreation.

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It's also worth mentioning that NO armor is approved "out of the box". It doesn't matter who the maker is. It's the accuracy of the components and the complete fit and finish of the costume *on you* that is approved. This goes for a used, previously approved rig as well.


I've seen makers on the Bay and Etsy tout their gear as approved - which may well be *if* it's completed to the standard set by the Costume Reference Library (CRL). I believe Jeff at SC says almost exactly that on his Scout armor page.


That being said, the Troopers and Staff here have vetted several makers over the years who have proven to make quality gear that can be finished into an approved Biker Scout costume. More information can be found on them in the respective sub forums.


Poke around, read a lot, ask a lot of questions. We're here to help! Good luck!

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Yeah, like Stasz said... be weary of things that advertise as 501st Approved. If you stick to the boards you can pretty much find where to get anything... from blasters to boots

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Yep! All good advise!


Most armor can be trimmed to fit smaller troopers. If you can manage to get MC armor second hand, it is slightly smaller than SC and may be a better start for you. Ordering new direct from them can take a year to get as they are very busy and make multiple different armors for different costumes, so id recommend second hand or a different make such as SC.


KS armor isnt so accurate and is very large so id avoid that as well as Atin armor as that one is outdated and inaccurate at this point so for a new build i wouldnt recommend it.


Helmets are more available than armor. KS is one of the more popular vac'ed helmets. MLC3 is nice, but fiberglass so it has a little more weight to it. LW is one of the most accurate but hard to get. Altmanns is also a good choice for a vac'ed helmet.

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