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TB-18987 Requesting Lancer Status (APPROVED)

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Name : Sarah Wolff TB18987

Garrison : German Garrison

Size: 167cm

Weight: 47Kilo


Armor = Mon Cal

Helmet = Lone Wolf

Boots = Self Made

Pouches = Self Made

Cummerbund = Self Made

Vest = Self Made

Blaster = Rubber

Gloves = Sith Armor

Suit = Modded worker suit

TD Clips = Self Made






















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Not bad, I love the weathering on it. First thing that needs to be fixed is your bund. It has 6 ribs, where as the standard is now 5 for Lancer. Your pouches look like they have a visible thread line around the sides of the flaps, similar to the outter seam line of a pair of jeans. Maybe post some close ups of your pouches so we can see them better. You should have a mandarin collar, where all I can see if your balaclava. Might wanna switch to a more form fitting balaclava. Your boxes could stand to come down some, I would say to where there is at least a 2 inch gap between the bottom of the belt, and top of the box. Knee rivets need to be white. Good job though..def on your way!

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Hey, thanks for the review!

Yes the Flaps of the pouches have a second seam line, the most fixes eaven the collar will be easy to fix, only thing what makes me worry is the Bund... if I open up the seamlines and replace them the old ones will still be visible :( I have to think abot how I can do it without redo the comlete Bund....


Bye Sarah

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So, all done :)

Here are the steps with the cummerbund:

New seam lines added :) it looks a little much :)


After removing the seam lines, before and after washing:




Here the Collar:




The Pouches:

Before and after:




I found another mistake and I fixed it too:


I changed the side the Vest closes:



I will put it on tomorrow, the bund and pouches are still wet :)

Bye Sarah

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  • 1 month later...
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  • 1 month later...

Its realy sad that noone is doing anything here, this aproval is dead! Sorry, but if you dont have time for this job, maybe its better to give it to someone else.......... im gonna quit right here,

Thank you.


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Sarah - I understand your frustration but that's not a good attitude to take on. You have done a great job and your scout looks great. Why not send a PM to the Detachment Leader (4505Marcel) or to the XO (Chex), or to Chef? I am not on the Lancer approval team, but those individuals will respond and provide feedback.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very sorry this app has been slow, yes myself Chex or Chef should have commented. I personally have had a bad few weeks sorting out a new home for my family. Sorry but that was far more important than legion stuff. But in just about sorted so, off on vacation then I will be back in full swing.

If you want to leave this app that's fine, or I can grant you lancer now I have seen the pictures. But you have to remember we all have lives away from the forum, and a bad attitude won't get you too far. A simple pm poke is all you would have need done 🤔

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey I know that there is a life outside this forum, but there arent 20 applicatons a day, and I think there must be the possibility to spend 2 ours every two weeks here to check Lancers. Otherwise I have to quit the job and let someone new doing it. Take a look at the Mepd now, since felice took the job. And he also has family and a Job and english is not his mother language. If you have time to check my applicaton again, it would be great!

Thank you!


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Hey I know that there is a life outside this forum, but there arent 20 applicatons a day, and I think there must be the possibility to spend 2 ours every two weeks here to check Lancers. Otherwise I have to quit the job and let someone new doing it. Take a look at the Mepd now, since felice took the job. And he also has family and a Job and english is not his mother language. If you have time to check my applicaton again, it would be great!

Thank you!



Sarah - based on Marcel's comments above, I have updated your profile with Lancer status. Well done and welcome to the ranks! :)

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