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I see you guys talking about buying altmann's helmet but I didn't find where buy anywhere. Someone can help me please?


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  • 3 weeks later...

I was wondering the same thing about the Altmann's helmet. I have a long face and I was originally going to get an SC but it would look odd with my chin sticking out.


Thank you.


I did check out that link before as well as a few other threads about helmet sizes, that's what led me to the realization that my head is a bit too long for the SC helmet. I even checked the SC site which gives their helmet dimensions along with what others have shared.


I will try and post a pic of the Altmanns on my head along with measurements for you to compare against... Just have to find a helper to take the pics with a tape measure from my chin to top of my head


Altman owners, is there a "wonkiness" to the helmet, like stormtroopers with the uneven left to right side? Mine seems to "pull" to one side.


I do not have this issue. Mine is absolutely fantastic. What type of liner or padding are you using?

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Yes mine has some wonkiness from left to right but it looks fine all together. Here are some pics to try illustrate:



With this pic I lined up the tape measure even with the ears. You can see on the right that the lip that meets up with the visor is longer on this side.



On this pic, I lined up the tape measure with the edges of the visor. As you can see, it's not square to the front of the visor. The tape measure shows that it's on an angle, with less room on the right than the left.



Ok the tape measure isn't perfectly lined up front to back here, but look at the ears. You can see the on one the right is much more forward than the one on the left.



Top view. The ears are lined up left to right, so you can see the edge of the visor is not on the same parallel.


But when it's on, nobody can see these things. I'm very happy with my Altmann helmet. Is this the wonkiness you were speaking of, Pean12?



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Weird for a factory produced item that there's so much variation between buckets.

My Altmann's visor won't lift more than a third of the way up. If you forced it, it would snap at the pivots.


Weird for a factory produced item that there's so much variation between buckets.


That's because Altmann's isn't a "factory".

In reality, it's still a fan produced item. You have to expect some variations.

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Yes, please keep in mind these are hand-made by Spike. I have nothing but good things to say about the helmet, quality, and service He's a good man and will work with you if there's an issue.

  • Like 4

I'll echo Jim's comment. I had a fantastic buying experience.


I use mine to troop so I felt like the seller went above and beyond and cut the ears out before sending it. It was ready to troop right out of the box.

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